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MarketLex Перевірена

до 20 співробітників
з 2014 року на ринку

Переваги роботи в компанії

Бонуси та премії
Регулярний перегляд зарплати
Оплачуване стажування
Віддалена робота
Гнучкий графік

MarketLex is a new-format company. We are talking about Marketing as a complex science of building a business, not about Internet advertising. Our offices are located in the UK and Ukraine, and our clients are from America, Western Europe, and technologically advanced countries in Asia. We are not afraid to appear ridiculous, if only because those who laugh are the last to laugh. We are ready to experiment — and even more so, to take responsibility. We act at a time when most promise. We are engaged in Marketing Management: business research (audit), development strategy development, and implementation up to high results. YOU can become a part of us. Are you ready for rapid growth? Time to change the world!

1 вакансія компанії

Усі рубрики

Вся Україна

Стажер, помічник юриста (Privacy and Contract Law Intern)

MarketLex Київ
3 тижні тому