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Reverse Engineer

let's discuss in private
2 місяця тому
02 січня 2025

I'm looking for a skilled reverse engineer.

We have a simple poker AI that we want to automate for use with different desktop applications.

The tasks are as follows:

1. Build an injector that intercepts the game and retrieves real-time data from the poker table, including our cards, the positions of all players, and all bets made during the hand. The injector must send this information to our AI API when it is our turn to play. After the AI processes the information and returns a response, the injector will execute the action automatically.

2. Many poker applications incorporate anti-cheat mechanisms that can detect fingerprints, virtual machines (VMs), and other indicators. Therefore, we need you to spoof the hardware and circumvent these anti-cheat measures.

If this offer is interesting for you, please reach out to my Telegram: GM_1583


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