Працювала в 9 компаніях   9 років 10 місяців

Недержавні організації / NGO, Медицина та Охорона здоров'я

Medical Coordinator

International Medical Corps

Недержавні організації / NGO

1 рік 1 місяць

04.2023 - 05.2024

Project Management, Technical Monitoring and Program Quality

  • Work closely with the country's senior management team to ensure the smooth running of health programs.
  • Provide leadership for health projects in the country mission and ensure implementation timely with quality.
  • Provide technical supervision and technical support to the organization’s health programming activities.
  • Work closely with the partner and provide technical assistance to ensure health projects are implemented in line with IMC standards.
  • Work closely with the senior management and health team to determine the operational needs of the health department for healthcare activities according to scope of the grants and budgets.
  • Ensure program deliverables are met according to the highest standard.
  • Work with government health authorities and international agencies at the field level to ensure the implementation of standardized health programming.
  • Ensure activities are consistent with established best practices, which are acceptable internationally (WHO/SPHERE and IMC standards).
  • Ensure health programs utilize standardized protocols, policies, and guidelines according to Ministry of Health, WHO and IMC.
  • Oversee the collection, analysis and timely reporting of data and statistics for all programs (including objectives, indicators, and outcomes of health programs) according to internal and donor requirements.Review from a technical standpoint, monthly field, and donor reports.

Deputy Medical Coordinator

International Medical Corps

Недержавні організації / NGO

10 місяців

06.2022 - 04.2023

  • providing strategic vision and technical support to the identification, design,implementation and management of the country health programs.
  • representation IMC in the national Healthcoordination meetings, Health Forum and other technical working groups.
  • coordination with the relevant local authorities, health cluster, health facilities and other sector actorsworking in the country as may be necessary
  • Ensure timely and adequate provision of supplies and drugs through review of pharmacy consumptionreports, national drug protocols, program budgets, acquisition of partner agency and UN drug kits, andhealth information materials.
  • Assist in health and humanitarian needs assessments and the existing contexts
  • Assess health needs of hospitals and other health facilities in various regions and sharing information withline manger
  • Assist in the set-up and establishment of mobile medical units
  • Support identification of health staff for project area• Support health team and warehouse team in developing medical kits to be distributed to health facilities
  • Monitoring and supervision of hospitals and primary healthcare facilities through visits and share findingswith line manager if the security situation allows
  • Assist in training health staff to build capacity and ensure the maximum use of their skills
  • Support line manager in the planning, development and implementation of the projects
  • Support in compiling timely project reports and ensure the gathering of relevant health data
  • Support department in generating monthly drug consumption reports from the field
  • Work closely with IMC health staff to meet health project objectives and targets
  • Ensure proper distribution/donation plans for all the medication that will expire within six months.
  • Ensuring the preparedness for timely and efficient deployment of medicines, medical consumables andmedical equipment, replenish stocks and supply field operations and Mobile Clinics, as per operational needsof the project and in line with the agreed budget with donors.
  • Review and identify key procurement of medical commodities in procurement plans/budget of all active grantsand proactively and timely raise the requests to the country procurement team and/or the global procurementteam depending on the sourcing location of the commodities.
  • Review list of medical commodities/pharmaceuticals within project proposals and ensure these are alignedwith project output and outcomes.
  • Ensure that all list of medical commodities identified during proposaldevelopment are shared in a timely manner with the GPSU unit for review and approval.
  • Ensure that the delivery of supplies match the agreed activity plan/work plan of each of the projects andproactively identify any potential risk of delay while proposing mitigating measures.
  • Attentively monitor stock quantities and expiry dates of medical commodities and provide regular updatesand/or elevate challenges to senior management whenever needed.

Medical Coordinator Support


Недержавні організації / NGO

2 роки 5 місяців

02.2018 - 07.2020

The doctor-coordinator of medical assistance

TAS Insurance Group, Kiev

Медицина та Охорона здоров'я

9 місяців

04.2017 - 01.2018

  • Receiving phone calls from persons insured with the fixation of the information in the database - Organization and coordination of emergency and routine medical care to the insured persons - Remote medical support of the insured in the insurance case - An initial medical expertise

Assistant Medical Coordinator


Недержавні організації / NGO

1 рік 6 місяців

06.2015 - 12.2016

While working in the organization "Doctors Without Borders" I participate actively in reflections and discussions on evolution of MSF programs in the mission, contributing with me background and experience to the improvement of overall performance, adapting it to the changing reality and context. Carry out follow- up of all MSF staff health policies, supervising together with the administrator the medical expenses associated in order to protect personnel's health state while keeping close control to the resources required. Participate in the design and planning of the Hepatitis C exploratory mission and contribute in the collection of medical information and data.

The district TB doctor

City TB dispensary, Donetsk

Медицина та Охорона здоров'я

1 рік 4 місяці

02.2014 - 06.2015

Achievements in previous jobs: while the district TB specialist in the area of ??my faithful decreased the number of patients on treatment detachments, increased detection rate of tuberculosis has increased cure rates of tuberculosis.

medical support of DOT treatment TB patients

National Read Cross

Недержавні організації / NGO

7 місяців

03.2014 - 10.2014

The doctor-intern

Regional Tuberculosis Dispensary, Donetsk

Медицина та Охорона здоров'я

1 рік 6 місяців

08.2012 - 02.2014

Achievements in previous jobs: while the district TB specialist in the area of ??my faithful decreased the number of patients on treatment detachments, increased detection rate of tuberculosis has increased cure rates of tuberculosis.

The doctor-coordinator of medical assistance

TAS Insurance Group, Donetsk

Медицина та Охорона здоров'я

10 місяців

07.2012 - 05.2013

- Receiving phone calls from persons insured with the fixation of the information in the database - Organization and coordination of emergency and routine medical care to the insured persons - Remote medical support of the insured in the insurance case - An initial medical expertise

Ключова інформація

Additional Information: - Computer skills: advanced user level. - Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English (colloquial) personal qualities: discipline, attentiveness, flexibility, sociability, punctuality, ability to analyze, organizational skills, easy trainability, analytical mind.

Навчалась в 1 закладі

Донецький національний медичний університет

медико-профілактична справа

Донецьк, 2012

Володіє мовами


вище середнього





Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Клінічне ведення випадків зґвалтування/насильства з боку інтимного партнера

Львів, 2024

ТоТ Клінічне ведення випадків зґвалтування/насильства з боку інтимні партнера

Київ, 2024

  1. Сертифікований UNFPA тренер

Основи громадського здоров'я

Київ, 2019

Сертифікована програма Києво-Могилянської Академіїії

Яна Олегівна

Medical coordinator, deputy medical coordinator, health manager, manager in Public Health, медицинск


100 000 грн.

35 років

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