Працювала в 8 компаніях   23 роки 11 місяців

Недержавні організації / NGO, Медицина та Охорона здоров'я, Послуги для населення - інше

Supervisor for a team of psychologists.

Polish Humanitarian Action / ПОЛЬСЬКА ГУМАНІТАРНА АКЦІЯ

Недержавні організації / NGO

6 місяців

01.2024 - до теперішнього часу

  • Conducting supervision groups for psychologists and social work specialists.
  • Implementation of individual supervisory support of the same specialists.

Psychologist, psychotherapist, supervisor

Private practice

Медицина та Охорона здоров'я

23 роки 10 місяців

09.2000 - до теперішнього часу

Topics that I successfully work with in psychotherapy:

  • professional burnout,
  • procrastination,
  • stress management,
  • self-regulation,
  • anxiety and depression,
  • panic attacks.
  • Improving relationships with close, friends, colleagues,
  • the ability to gently say no,
  • defending personal interests,
  • confident communication,
  • gentle resolution of conflict situations,
  • increasing one’s value,
  • self-esteem and self-confidence,
  • self-realization,
  • age-related crises.


  • conducting group supervision,
  • support of psychologists upon their requests,
  • methodological, technical and emotional support,
  • self-regulation of a psychologist while working with clients,
  • working with transference and countertransference during working with a client,
  • help in understanding, awareness of experiences of psychologists.
  • Conducting seminars on specific topics.

PSS/Protection Coordinator

Polish Humanitarian Action

Недержавні організації / NGO

2 роки 1 місяць

10.2019 - 11.2021

  • Cooperation with all departments of the mission to ensure timely and quality implementation of measures for psychosocial support and protection in the humanitarian context.
  • Development of minimum standards and strategic recommendations for planning targeted interventions for psychosocial support and protection in accordance with the IASC Emergency Guidelines.
  • Selection and support of the use of evidence-based mental health and psychosocial suppor tpractices, technical support in the development of appropriate tools and training materials for psychosocial support activities.
  • Participate in the planning and writing process of project proposals related to mental health and psychosocial support activities.
  • Development of a structured package of psychosocial support and protection interventions for case management and strengthen referral pathways to relevant organizations and services including GBV.
  • Recruiting psychologists for 12 centers for supporting elderly living along the contact line. Drawing up a term of reference and job description for project psychologists.
  • Conducting regular supervision and technical support for project psychologists. Organization and holding of creative workshops for the project psychologists, supporting them in creating a favorable working atmosphere in the teams of each center.
  • Monitoring the quality of psychologists' psychosocial support for beneficiaries and methodological sessions for strengthening the capacity of the staff of the centers.
  • Regular field visits to the centers to assess progress and identify technical quality problems and / or other problems in project implementation, provide solutions and make changes to the program, if necessary.
  • Providing support in conducting a needs assessment of beneficiaries for writing new projects. Developing training materials and delivering trainings for staff in conducting needs assessments.
  • Presentation of the organization's activities in clusters, working groups, coordination meetings, meetings with donors to ensure proper dissemination of information among relevant partners, donors and relevant government agencies.

Mental health and psychosocial support specialist

Premiere Urgence International, PUI

Недержавні організації / NGO

1 рік 10 місяців

11.2017 - 09.2019

  • Establishment of cooperation with regional and local health facilities for implementation program activities.
  • Development and implementing a strategy for capacity building for health care facility staff.
  • Elaboration of technical documents for project activities.
  • Acted as co-chair for the regional MHPSS Technical Working Group&Health cluster, includes building effective relationship with a range of MHPSS actors in Northern part of Donetsk region of Ukraine and ensuring their activities are coordinated.
  • Taking part in compiling/conducting assessment of MHPSS needs among the population affected by the military conflict in Northern part of Donetsk region of Ukraine.
  • Member of coordination group on the adaptation, contextualization and implementation of the WHO mhGAP project on the integration of mental health care in primary health care in Ukraine.
  • Preparation trainings materials and manuals for increasing MHPSS capacities for non-specialist health-care providers through implementation of WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) training and supervision within the framework of health care reform in Ukraine.
  • Maintain PFA and PSS training materials and manuals and where necessary adapt to increase MHPSS awareness and practice of basic PSS skills among health care workers and PUI staff and population affected by military conflict.

MHPSS mobile team supervisor

International Medical Corps, IMC

Недержавні організації / NGO

1 рік 3 місяці

07.2016 - 10.2017

  • Working cohesively with protection team, implementing partners, communities to ensure activities are implemented with safety and sustainability.
  • Establishing of cooperation with regional and local educational facilities, local authorities for implementation project activities.
  • Coordination, monitoring and supervision of the mobile team members.
  • Facilitating group psychosocial activities for children, youth, parents, seniors and men aimed at bringing the community together. Using the WHO tool "Doing What Matters in Times of Stress An Illustrated Guides".
  • Develop trainings materials and manuals for increasing capacities on First Psychological Aid, Professional Burnout and Team Building for IMC staff and local partner non-governmental organizations, including the non-government control area.
  • Providing supervision and technical support for field team and partner's staff.
  • Work with vulnerable populations, providing group support, individual counseling and conducting awareness raising activities in the prevention of gender-based violence.
  • Collecting and gathering required data to contribute to regular reports. Conducting pre- and post-tests, filling out the form for each individual client, making photo reports on conducted activities.

Field psychologist

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF)

Недержавні організації / NGO

1 рік 6 місяців

12.2014 - 06.2016

  • Providing psychosocial support for people affected by military conflict (counselling and short-term psychotherapy).
  • Close cooperation with the medical team, mutual referrals.
  • Establishing of cooperation with regional and local educational facilities for the implementation of the school project.
  • Preparing and conducting trainings for children and adolescents to work with the trauma of war, for parents "Positive parenthood", for teachers "Stress Management" and "Professional burnout" as part of a school project.
  • Conducting mental health awareness raising activities to population.
  • Daily written reports on working with clients.
  • Collect required data for regular monthly reports.

Psychologist, psychotherapist

Private psychological practice

Послуги для населення - інше

11 років 6 місяців

06.2003 - 12.2014

  • Group psychotherapy for children and adults.

  • Individual counseling and psychotherapy of acute and protracted crises, anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, low self-esteem, difficulties in relationships.
  • Supervision.

Psycho-social support hotline Consultant

Women's Crisis Centre "Woman for Woman", Donetsk

Послуги для населення - інше

2 роки 8 місяців

09.2000 - 05.2003

  • Prevention of domestic and sexual violence.
  • Psychosocial support to victims of domestic and sexual violence.
  • Psychosocial support to sex industry victims.

Ключова інформація

Proficiency in counseling techniques, short-term and long-term psychotherapy. Assessment and analyze the client’s needs, developing a strategy and constructing a psychotherapy plan to satisfy the client’s request, adapting techniques and tools to the client’s personal needs, mastering and flexible use of techniques from various areas of psychotherapy (cognitive behavioral therapy, neurolinguistic programming, responsibility and acceptance therapy). Training in the necessary skills based on the client’s request, assistance and recommendations on options for solving current problems.

I use various video services to work with clients online: Google Meet, ZUM, Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook.

Навчалась в 2 закладах

Donetsk University of postgraduate education teaching staff


Donetsk, Ukraine, 2000

Kharkiv National Pedagogical University by G.S. Skovoroda

Primary school teacher

Kharkiv, 1986

Володіє мовами


вище середнього

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Psychotherapy for clients with psychosomatic symptoms, National Association of Gestalt Therapists of Ukraine

Kharkiv, 2024

Training of national trainers and supervisors for the use of mhGAP program in Ukraine.

Kiev, 2019

WHO Mental Health Gap Action Plan  (mhGAP) for non-specialist health-care providers within the framework of health care reform in Ukraine.

Organization provided the training/course: WHO, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Monitoring Center of Ministry of Health of Ukraine.


mhGAP-HIG Capacity Building Workshop. World Health Organization (WHO), International Medical Corps (IMC)

Kiev, 2019

Building organizational capacity for integrating mental health care in health services in humanitarian settings through training and mentoring. 

PFA training methodology.

Kiev, 2016

Training of trainers

Preventative Health Management.

Donetsk, 2012

Training of cognitive-behavioral direction in changing behavior towards a healthy lifestyle Corporate Counselling Services

The long-term training program for preparation gestalt therapists, supervisors, educational programs trainers.

Odessa, 2010

National Association of Gestalt Therapists of Ukraine, Certificate EAGT 3rd degree

Work with crisis and trauma

Donetsk-Odessa, 2005

Specialized training course, Moscow Gestalt Institute.

Preventing domestic and sexual violence.

Donetsk, 2000

Psychological support for victims of domestic and sexual violence, Women's crisis center", Winrock  international. 

Додаткова інформація

Personal qualities

Responsible, executive, punctual, hardworking, easily trained, with pleasure and great interest I acquire new knowledge and skills, I have good organizational abilities; friendly, sociable, easily find a common language with strangers.

Computer skills

MS Office skills (Outlook, Word and Excel), PowerPoint, email applications, video services to work with clients online: Google Meet, ZUM, Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook.


Freelance psychologist, psychotherapist supervisor for a team of psychologists.


40 000 грн.

59 років

неповна зайнятість

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