Працював в 5 компаніях 6 років 5 місяців
Інтернет, IT
3D Artist
2 роки 6 місяців
09.2022 - до теперішнього часу
I have a commercial experience, has been working on MotoGP assets and custom games (UEFN, Roblox custom games). Passionate 3D artist with over 3 years of experience in 3D modeling, texturing, and UVing. As a freelancer, designed and defined various game assets using Blender, Modo. Substance Painter, Substance designer, Zbrush, Marmoset toolbag and ensured project integration. Created high-quality 3D game models. Defined detailed environments with the use of Blender, Modo toolset. Worked on produced content scaling. Created textures for various meshes. Cooperated closely with other artists to obtain the best final results. Modeled 3D assets using Modo, Blender and ZBrush, helping to surpass project deadlines. Created effective 3D models with an emphasis on low polygon counts and optimized texture maps, which improved game performance and reduced memory usage. My works : https://www.artstation.com/fri13day https://www.artstation.com/fri13day_product https://sketchfab.com/Fri13Day
Product manager
Private Enterpriner
3 місяці
08.2021 - 11.2021
Overseen the daily activities of the marketing and sales staff, including hiring and training new staff I consent to the processing of my personal data for the purpose of recruitment for the position to which I am applying. members and evaluating the performance of current staff members. Proficient in a variety of computer hardware and software, including database reporting software; data mining software, such as Google Analytics; financial analysis software; and many more. Qualified manager with the knowledge and training to lead other members of a product development team, including working. Also have knowledge of resource allocation, production methods, customer satisfaction evaluation, and strategic planning. Excellent ability to analyze systems and operations, including determination of how systems should work and how changes in the environment or other operating conditions can change the product, as well as how these differing needs change the product’s design requirements. -Professional and courteous individual who always goes above and beyond to ensure comfort and satisfaction not only of clients and customers, but also of fellow employees. -Expansive knowledge of the English language provides the ability to listen and communicate effectively.
Fraud prevention , security and billing department
Private company
1 рік 1 місяць
07.2020 - 08.2021
Enthusiastic customer service professional with lots of experience working as a liaison between consumers and corporations. Skilled communicator and listener with a knack for remedying conflict, and keen organizational skills which allow for effective delivery of outstanding service. Maintain the highest level of integrity; dedicated to providing reliable and friendly service without ever compromising the reputation or competencies of the organization. Highly motivated and outgoing individual with management experience. Competent team player who can successfully inspire colleagues.
Customer support representative ( spoken english
Private company
1 рік 2 місяці
04.2019 - 06.2020
Enthusiastic customer service professional with lots of experience working as a liaison between consumers and corporations. Skilled communicator and listener with a knack for remedying conflict, and keen organizational skills which allow for effective delivery of outstanding service. Maintain the highest level of integrity; dedicated to providing reliable and friendly service without ever compromising the reputation or competencies of the organization. Highly motivated and outgoing individual with management experience. Competent team player who can successfully inspire colleagues.
English - ukrainian translator
Private Enterpriner
1 рік 1 місяць
01.2017 - 02.2018
Dedicated English-Ukrainian translator with years of experience, working in two agencies. Moreover, I had experience in verbal translations. Skilled at translation of scientific materials and large-scale executive organization documents. Consistently relied upon for verification and correction of translated materials. Experience teaching other translators. I am passionate about facilitating productive cross-cultural relationships and have created extensive informational material and coursework to help colleagues understand and develop cultural sensitivity.
Ключова інформація
Навчався в 2 закладах
Taras shevchenko university of kyiv
Software engineering
Taras shevchenko university of kyiv
Software engineering
1, 2020
Володіє мовами
3d artist

сьогодні ви можете відкрити ще 0 контактів
повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота
Характер роботи: стажування / практика, віддалена робота
Оновлено 2 місяці тому