Ключова інформація
.NET developer
• Developed ASP.NET Core APIs, wrote unit tests
• Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
• English: B2 (upper-intermediate)
• Education: Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 126 – Information Management Systems and Technologies (2021 – now)
Work experience:
Koine School (0.5 years) - language school
Developed CRM for teachers, deployed backend to server, helped with React frontend.
Used technologies: ASP.NET Core, Hangfire, Scrutor, EF Core, Mapster, Serilog, xunit, NSubstiture, AutoFixture, FluentAssertions
Pet projects:
FinanceApp - website for managing finances. ASP.NET Core API & Angular project.
Used technologies: ASP.NET Core, EF Core, Sqlite, MediatR, Mapster, Serilog, FluentValidation, Angular, TypeScript
Anizavr - website for watching anime.
Used technologies: ASP.NET Core, Scrutor, EF Core, Sqlite, Mapster, Serilog, FluentValidation, Refit, xunit, NSubstitute, Bogus, AutoFixture
Навчався в 1 закладі
Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського»
Киев, 2025
.NET Developer
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повна зайнятість
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