Працював в 1 компанії   4 роки 6 місяців


Backend PHP (Magento 2) Developer

Ronis Business Tools


4 роки 5 місяців

07.2019 - 12.2023

  • Developed and maintained custom backend solutions for eCommerce websites using Magento 2, PHP, MySQL and JavaScript.
  • Designed and integrated APIs for various third-party services, streamlining the functionality of the eCommerce platform.
  • Managed websites configurations, troubleshooting issues, and ensuring robust performance and security.

Навчався в 1 закладі

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Master of Applied Physics

Kharkiv, 2019

Володіє мовами





Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Додаткова інформація

Комп'ютерні навички

Data Science Projects:

  • House rent price predictor. The project aims to predict apartment rent prices based on inputparameters using a dataset of Ukrainian rental announcements. Classical regression machine learning algorithms, including Linear Regression, Random Forests, Gradient Boosting, and XGBoost, were applied. The final model achieved an R2 score of 0.82 on the validation dataset. A simple web app was also created: https://ukrainianhouserentpricepredictor.streamlit.app.
    Code: github.com/Vladfsociety/house_rent_price_predictor
  • Custom neural network. Mini-library that implements a simple version of a feedforward neural network (FNN) and convolutional neural network (CNN) from scratch using Python and PyTorch.
    Code: github.com/Vladfsociety/vladk-neural-network
  • Animal class predictor. Project contains implementations of various convolutional Neural Networks for animal classification task using PyTorch and TensorFlow. Best classifier (VGG16 pretrained on ImageNet PyTorch model) achieved 95% accuracy on validation dataset.
    Code: github.com/Vladfsociety/animal_classification


Data Scientist (ML/AI)


28 років

Активно шукає роботу

повна зайнятість

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, позмінна робота

Оновлено 1 день тому