Ключова інформація

Main subjects: Python Programming, Databases, Algorithms and Data Structures, Web Development.
Technical Skills (Hard Skills):
Programming Languages: Python (solid foundation in Python fundamentals, basic experience with libraries and modules).
Web Frameworks: Basic understanding of Django and Flask for building simple web applications.
Databases: Familiarity with PostgreSQL, MySQL; basic knowledge of SQL.
Version Control Systems: Git (basic use for version control, familiar with GitHub).
Operating Systems: Linux (basic understanding of command line tools).
Testing: Basic knowledge of unit testing with pytest.
Soft Skills:
Sociability: skills of effective team communication, ready to cooperate with mentors and contribute to the common goals.
Self-organization: responsible in the time management and performing the tasks within the defined terms.
Willingness to Learn: highly motivated to learn new technologies and improve Python skills, tend to the constant self-development.
Problem-Solving: able to analyze given tasks and seek effective solutions.
Adaptability: Ready to work in the changeable environment, open to feedback and multitask. Eagerness to the team work.

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Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка

Викладач за спеціальністю "Музичне мистецтво" та "Художня культура"

Житомир, 2023

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вище середнього

Додаткова інформація

Комп'ютерні навички

Objective:To begin my career as a Python Developer, where I can develop my coding skills, learn new technologies, and contribute to real projects in a collaborative team environment. I am ready to learn and eager to join to solving the difficult tasks.
Work Experience:
Developed a basic CRM system using Python and PostgreSQL, designed to manage customer interactions and store data efficiently.Transferred data between two web platforms by integrating with external APIs using Python, ensuring accurate and seamless data migration.Collaborated with a team using Git for version control and project management.Created a simple blog platform with Django, integrating PostgreSQL for data management.Built a small RESTful API using Flask to manage a library's book database.
Languages:Ukrainian – Native
English – Intermediate (comfortable with reading technical documentation and professional communication)
Highly motivated to studying and internship.


Trainee Python developer


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