Працювала в 2 компаніях   1 рік 10 місяців


Front-end developer Vue 3

Modern Expo


1 рік 1 місяць

08.2023 - до теперішнього часу

As a Software Developer, I specialize in utilizing the Vue.js Composition API to create dynamic components with intricate logic. Collaborating closely with team members, I contribute to the development of complex features, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance. My role involves crafting solutions that adhere to best practices and enhance the overall user experience.

  • Creation of individual components (for example, multiselect, context menu, buttons) and sections in general
  • Utilized a complex API to retrieve information
  • Wrote code that adheres to the standards approved by the team
  • Received tasks through the project management system, completed them, and collaborated with the team
  • Technologies stack: Vue 3 (Composition and Options API), JS, REST API, Tailwind CSS, Websockets, HTML5, CSS3, BEM, Babel, ESLint, GitLab, Scrum
  • Планування та організація своєї роботи
  • Front-end developer



    8 місяців

    12.2022 - 08.2023

    Livescores project: participated in the development of a web platform, designed to collect and summarize information about various sports events

    - Analyzed the source code and gained a understanding of the project's functionality

    - Utilized a complex API to retrieve information

    - Wrote code that adheres to the standards approved by the team

    - Received tasks through the project management system, completed them, and collaborated with the team

    - Learning and applying new technologies & tools that are used in the project

    * Technologies stack: Next.js, Axios, TypeScript, REST API, Material UI, Styled Components, HTML5, CSS3, BEM, Babel, ESLint, React, Github, Trello, Scrum

    Ключова інформація

    • 1.5+ year software engineering experience in commercial project
    • Main tech skills: Vue 3 (Composition and Options API) HTML5, CSS5, Tailwind CSS, responsive and multi device layouts, Websockets, BEM, Strong knowledge of Javascript (ES6+), Webpack, Babel, ESLint, React, Redux, REST API, HTTP protocol, Figma, Github, Trello, Scrum
    • Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment and communicate effectively
    • Desire to learn, passion for personal and professional development
    • Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics
    • Ukrainian language is native; intermediate level in English;

    Навчалась в 2 закладах

    Gromcode University of IT professions (full-time study)

    Front-end Developer

    Київ, 2022

    Lviv Polytechnic National University

    Applied Mathematics, Master's Degree

    Львів, 2008

    Володіє мовами





    Додаткова інформація





    Vue Front-end Developer Middle


    1 400 $

    37 років

    Активно шукає роботу

    повна зайнятість

    Характер роботи: віддалена робота, гібридна, в офісі/на місці

    Оновлено 1 тиждень тому