Працювала в 7 компаніях   9 років 5 місяців

Недержавні організації / NGO, Автомобільна промисловість та Автобізнес, Медицина та Охорона здоров'я, Краса / Фітнес / Спорт

Project Officer (СССМ)


Недержавні організації / NGO

4 місяці

05.2024 - до теперішнього часу

  • Supporting and coordinating with humanitarian partners working with IDPs.
  • Establish and maintain close cooperation with humanitarian organizations providing assistance to IDPs.
  • Ensure coordination of activities with partners to avoid duplication of efforts and increase the effectiveness of assistance.
  • Maintaining constant contact with local, regional and national authorities to coordinate plans and actions to support IDPs.
  • Ensure that the project complies with applicable legal requirements and policies.
  • Establishing mechanisms for resident participation and strengthening coordination and relations with IDPs.
  • Developing and implementing mechanisms that will facilitate the active participation of IDPs in decision-making related to their community.
  • Stimulating trust building and open dialogue between IDPs and local communities.Organize regular meetings with collective sites' residents.
  • Hold regular consultations and meetings with residents of collective centers (CCs) to identify their needs, discuss problems and suggestions for improving living conditions.
  • Providing feedback and monitoring the satisfaction of residents' needs.
  • Support the creation of a complaint and response mechanism (CRM/CFM).
  • Developing, implementing and monitoring the effectiveness of the complaints and response system to ensure transparency and accountability in working with IDPs.
  • Ensure prompt consideration and resolution of problems faced by residents.Ensure effective teamwork.
  • Coordinate the activities of the CCCM team, maintain communication and ensure an appropriate level of cooperation between all team members.
  • Promoting the professional development of team members and creating conditions for their productive work.

Project Assistant (CCCM)


Недержавні організації / NGO

1 рік 11 місяців

05.2022 - 04.2024

  • Participation in activities to assist in the management of collective centers, coordination with the heads of collective centers; implementation of a feedback mechanism in places of compact residence, responding to the needs and complaints received from IDPs;
  • identify vulnerable residents of collective centers and refer them to specialists who can provide them with the necessary assistance;
  • conducting regular monitoring of places of compact residence of IDPs;
  • distribution of humanitarian aid to collective centers;
  • organizing meetings and phone calls with center coordinators;
  • Interaction and coordination with local authorities, recipients of assistance, communities, humanitarian organizations, etc. to avoid duplication;
  • involving IDPs in the management and active participation in the life of the community and collective centers;
  • assistance to the engineer in the development and implementation of projects for the modernization, repair and maintenance of collective centers;
  • involvement of residents of collective centers in the project at the Kvadrat youth center, using the IDEAS BOX provided by the partner;
  • Interaction and coordination with center coordinators to collect detailed and reliable information about the needs of IDPs;
  • coordinating and monitoring the distribution of in-kind assistance in accordance with the needs of IDPs;
  • support in managing the available goods in the warehouse.



Недержавні організації / NGO

1 місяць

03.2022 - 04.2022

  • Conducting interviews necessary for the assessment;
  • Ensure accurate recording of data and responses from beneficiaries;
  • Conducting interviews with beneficiaries;
  • Coordination with coordinators of collective centers to collect detailed and accurate information on the needs of IDPs;
  • identifying needs and gaps in the work of collective centers;
  • organizing regular meetings or phone calls with the coordinators of the centers;
  • Identify new collective and reception centers in the city and region.


Bosch Auto Service Autohelp

Автомобільна промисловість та Автобізнес

3 роки

03.2019 - 03.2022

  • organization of office work;
  • work in the CRM system of the service, preparation of daily, monthly reports on the provided transportation services, visits to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of the information provided;
  • Scheduling of meetings of clients and staff, preparation of meeting minutes and reports;
  • preparation of motivational and training information for service employees;
  • conducting cash transactions and settlements with accountable persons, primary documentation;
  • managing Facebook, Instagram, buzz and the company's website, working with reviews.


ТОВ "Соцаптека"

Медицина та Охорона здоров'я

1 рік 6 місяців

07.2012 - 01.2014

  • Preparing and submitting tax and statistical reports;
  • fulfillment of orders of the chief accountant;
  • work with primary documentation; cash management;
  • tax and accounting records;
  • accounting of settlements with suppliers;
  • work with primary documentation;
  • cash management.



Медицина та Охорона здоров'я

5 місяців

11.2011 - 04.2012

  • preparation and approval of financial statements and estimates;
  • cash transactions;
  • settlements with accountable persons.


ПП "Престиж Груп"

Краса / Фітнес / Спорт

1 рік 8 місяців

02.2010 - 10.2011

  • accounting and reporting;
  • searching for customers and suppliers and coordinating work with them;
  • training of employees.

Ключова інформація

  • Excel
  • Microsoft office
  • Outlook
  • Sharepoint
  • Teams
  • CRM
  • 1C

Навчалась в 1 закладі

Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

specialty “Public Finance”

Vinnytsia, 2009

Володіє мовами





Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Training on GBV prevention and response (UNHCR)


IMC PFA ToT psychological training for World Vision program partners


A psychological course on working with refugees and IDPs by Olena Tararina


Managing the humanitarian project cycle: Project planning and implementation (RedrUk)


Training on the use of IDEAS BOX from the Library without Borders


Training in first aid and rescue operations (Maltese Aid to Ukraine)


Accountability to affected populations (AAP) (RedrUk)


Humanitarian project cycle management: Monitoring and evaluation (RedrUk)


Managing the humanitarian project cycle: Project identification and development (RedrUk)


Course on emotional intelligence (by O. Karasenko)


Cybersecurity basics for civil servants


Business skills development course within the framework of the project “Economic opportunities for people affected by the conflict” (grant project)


Training “Information Technology in Business” at Vinnytsia National Technical University with the participation of the Nord University Business School (Norway)


Marketing course from the educational laboratory


Додаткова інформація

Hobbies and interests

Psychology, art therapy, construction


Project Officer, Coordinator


1 200 $

37 років

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повна зайнятість

Оновлено 1 день тому