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.NET Developer



3 місяці

04.2024 - 07.2024

In this case I was a part of developer team(mostly backend) in outsourcing start-up company Avrelinex. We got a project from charity company. And our mission was to create a mobile application to collect donations for the needs of the Ukrainian army. Unfortunately, since I was in a start-up company, it didn’t last long, because it had some financial problems. However, I still gained experience with the technologies that are part of my stack. New technologies that I learned or upgraded skills at were GitLab, Microservices architecture, AWS Cloud Services, ServiceStack Framework.

Ключова інформація

  • Планирование и организация своей работы
  • Соблюдение установленных процедур и стандартов качества
  • Адаптация к новым условиям работы
  • Соблюдение корпоративной культуры и ценностей
  • Навчався в 1 закладі

    Technical University of Kosice

    SMART Technologies

    2022, 2024

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    Киев, 2023

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    About Me

    I’m a 19-year-old Web Developer currently in my final year of a Bachelor's program in Slovakia. I’ve been passionate about programming since my lyceum years, focusing on the .NET stack. I’ve gained hands-on experience working in a startup, and I’m eager to take on new opportunities to further develop my skills and contribute to innovative projects.


    .NET Developer


    19 років

    Активно шукає роботу

    повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

    Характер роботи: стажування / практика, віддалена робота

    Оновлено 19 годин тому