Працював в 2 компаніях   10 років 8 місяців

IT, Реклама та PR-послуги

Python Developer



1 рік 7 місяців

02.2023 - до теперішнього часу

  • Task manager for fashion production

Technologies: Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Swagger, HTML, CSS, JS.

This project is a comprehensive task manager tailored for fashion productions, built using Django. It allows fashion production teams to efficiently organize and track their projects, tasks, and team members.

  • Airport API Service

Technologies: Python, Django, Django REST Framework, PostgreSQL, Swagger, DRF, JWT, Docker.

API service for tracking flights from airports across the whole globe.

  • Library Management System

Technologies: Python, Django, Django REST Framework, Redis, Celery, Telegram API, PostgreSQL, Swagger, Stripe, DRF, JWT.

This is a Django-based Library Management System (LMS) that allows users to manage books borrowing, user authentication, telegram notifications and payments. It provides functionalities for CRUD operations on books, users, and borrowings, along with integration with Stripe for handling payments.

  • Social media API

Technologies: Python, Django, Django REST Framework, Postgre SQL, Swagger documentation.

The API allows users to perform various social media actions such as user registration and authentication, profile management, post creation and retrieval, following/unfollowing other users, and more.

  • Tennis Booking Telegram Bot

Technologies: Python, Aiogram, Django.

Tennis Booking Bot is a Telegram bot designed to simplify tennis court reservations and management. The bot is built using the aiogram library and Django framework with an admin panel.

  • Parts navigator bot

Technologies: Python, Aiogram, Django.

PartsNavigatorBot is a Telegram bot built with Python, Django, and Aiogram. It allows users to manage their cars and create repair orders directly through Telegram.Features- User registration and authentication- Add, delete, and view user cars- Create repair orders and parts requests- Notifications and alerts via Telegram

VIEW OR DOWNLOAD CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Oy5Nq2nQ62H6jtAZ6NquuWikCVdtclZV/view?usp=drive_link

Photographer & Art Director/Producer

NineNine Production

Реклама та PR-послуги

8 років 11 місяців

03.2013 - 02.2022


  • Worked with renowned magazines such as Vogue Italia, Vogue Ukraine, L'Officiel, Schon! Magazine, and others.
  • Collaborated with global fashion brands TTSWTRS, Ksenia Schnaider, Poustovit, Ali Saulidi, Litkovska, and others.

Participated in major international exhibitions, some of which include:

  • Vogue Italia #ANewRenaissance HUAWEI,
  • BASE Milano (IT), FINALIST
  • International Young Designers Contest, Mystetskyi Arsenal Kyiv (UA)
  • Imagination Paris “NEW EYES”, GALERIE JOSEPH Paris (FR)
  • Photonic Moments Festival
  • Photon Vienna (AT)
  • Going East, Photon - Center za sodobno fotografijo (Si)
  • Photo Vogue over 45 best of Vogue photos

Ключова інформація

I am a Python developer with over a year of experience, possessing deep knowledge in OOP, design patterns, TDD, SOLID and DRY principles, algorithms, and data structures. My experience with Django includes using Django ORM, Django Rest Framework, as well as working with databases such as PostgreSQL, SQLite, Redis, and MongoDB. I also have experience in web development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and I am proficient in Agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban), Docker, Aiogram, and Git/Github. Additionally, I have basic knowledge of Flask, Aiohttp, FastAPI, Selenium, Scrapy, BS4.

My professional experience is diverse, ranging from being a Python developer to a Fashion & Art photographer for magazines such as Vogue Italia, Vogue Ukraine, L'Officiel, Schon! Magazine, and others. As well as global brands like TTSWTRS, Ksenia Schnaider, Poustovit, Litkovska. This has helped me better understand the needs of clients from different cultural backgrounds and successfully adapt to challenges in Python development.

Навчався в 1 закладі


Міжнародна економіка

Донецк, 2013

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вище середнього



Додаткова інформація

My goal

My goal is to perform my work responsibly and understand the tasks assigned. I fully utilize my knowledge and particularly focus on improving my skills. It is very important for me to keep up with the times and implement innovative and creative solutions.




Python Developer


700 $

32 роки

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