Працювала в 3 компаніях   2 роки 1 місяць


Python Developer



6 місяців

01.2024 - 07.2024

Library Service(Group Project)

* Served as a team lead, managing a team of 5 developers.

* Divided tasks among team members and monitored task completion.

* Conducted code reviews, ensured coding standards, and facilitated collaborative development.

* Designed and implemented RESTful APIs using Django REST Framework (DRF) for handling book borrowings, user management, and payments.

* Integrated Stripe for secure and seamless payment processing, allowing users to pay for borrowings online.

* Dockerized the application for consistent development and deployment environments.

* Documented API endpoints, database schemas, and deployment processes.

Technologies: Stripe, Django Q, Redis, Postgres, DRF, REST API, Docker, Telegram Bot, Swagger, JWT


Airport API Service

* Developed RESTful APIs with Django REST Framework (DRF) for CRUD operations on airports, routes, airplanes, crews, flights, orders, and tickets.

* Designed and optimized database schemas for data integrity and efficient querying.

* Implemented JWT for secure API authentication and authorization.

* Ensured secure resource access with role-based permissions.

* Dockerized the application for consistent development and deployment.

* Integrated Swagger for API documentation.

* Managed flight tracking, scheduling, status updates, and detailed information.

* Wrote tests for API validation and data consistency.

Technologies: DRF, REST API, Postgres, Docker, Swagger, JWT


Task Manager

* Designed and implemented a robust and scalable backend with Django. * Developed a responsive frontend using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and JavaScript.

* Integrated user registration and login functionalities.

* Built features for task management, including creation, updating, deletion, and completion.

* Developed a dynamic Kanban board for visualizing task progress.

* Integrated a calendar view to display task deadlines.

* Deployed the application for testing and production environments.

* Wrote comprehensive documentation for installation, setup, and usage. * Conducted thorough testing to ensure functionality, security, and performance.

Technologies: Django, Python3, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, SQLite (development), PostgreSQL (production)


Software Engineer for Android

GlobalLogic Ukraine


4 місяці

09.2023 - 01.2024

* Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop advanced in-car cockpit solutionsusing C++, AOSP, Java, JNI, and embedded systems.

* Created innovative software features to enhance user experience and safety in automotive environments.Implemented performance optimizations for a more responsive and efficient system.

* Conducted rigorous testing and debugging to ensure software reliability and stability.

* Developed and optimized embedded systems software for efficient operation within hardware constraints.Worked closely with hardware engineers and software developers to deliver cohesive and user-friendly solutions.

* Maintained comprehensive documentation to facilitate knowledge sharing and future development.

C++ developer

CHI Software


1 рік 4 місяці

08.2022 - 12.2023

* Assisted in the design, development, and maintenance of C++ applications under the guidance of senior developers.

* Continuously applied software development best practices to ensure code quality and maintainability.

* Participated in requirements gathering and translated them into development tasks.

* Contributed to maintaining and refactoring codebases for improved readability and performance.

* Identified and resolved bugs to ensure application stability.Wrote and executed unit tests to validate code functionality.

* Created and updated documentation for features, code changes, and processes.

* Collaborated with senior developers, designers, and QA engineers for seamless project delivery.

* Assisted in integrating C++ applications with third-party libraries and APIs.

Ключова інформація

Python 3.7+ & OOP

Design Patterns, TDD, SOLID, DRY, KISS

Algorithms, Data Structures

ML: TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Scikit-learn

Web Scraping: BeautifulSoup4, Selenium, Scrapy

Data Analysis: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Tableau

Concurrency: Multiprocessing, Multithreading, Asyncio, Celery

Web Frameworks: Django, DRF, Flask (basics), FastAPI (basics)

Databases: PostgreSQL, SQLite, Redis (basics), MongoDB (basics)

Front-end: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript (basics)

DevOps: Docker, Render.com, CI/CD

Networking & Security: HTTP, SSL/TLS, JWT

Testing: PyTest, UnitTest

Jupyter Notebook

Git, GitHub, Gerrit, GitLab, Jenkins, Debugger

Trello, Jira, Confluence, Notion, Slack

Навчалась в 1 закладі

Харківський національний університет радіоелектроніки

Комп'ютерні науки. Спеціальність "Штучний інтелект"

Харків, 2025

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Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості

I am a proficient Python Developer with a background in C++ and a specialization in Artificial Intelligence at the university. I excel in Django and Django REST Framework (DRF), and FastAPI, with hands-on experience in SQLite and PostgreSQL. My expertise in object-oriented programming (OOP) emphasizes SOLID and DRY principles for efficient code and robust RESTful designs.I am skilled in configuring JWT authentication and using web scraping tools like BeautifulSoup4, Selenium, and Scrapy. I also have strong data analysis skills with NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.With experience in project management and version control using Trello, Jira, Confluence, Git, GitHub, Gitlab, Gerrit, Jenkins, I bring a comprehensive skill set to any project. My background in AI further enhances my technical abilities, enabling me to deliver high-quality solutions efficiently in dynamic environments.


Python Developer


Готовий переїхати: Київ, Львів

700 $

20 років

повна зайнятість

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, гібридна, в офісі/на місці

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