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Android developer

JUNGLE Software Development Teams in Ukraine


1 рік 11 місяців

08.2022 - до теперішнього часу


Development of native Android applications usingthe most advanced technologies. Implementation ofclients' ideas in projects from the moment ofconception to the production.

Kotlin Java, Firebase, Realm database,Dagger 2, HIlt, Room database, Retrofit 2, Model-ViewViewmodel (MVVM), MQTT, SOLID, Single Activity, Clean Architecture, REST API, Jetpack Compose

Ключова інформація

I'm deeply passionate about crafting native Android applications, and my journey in this field has been nothing shortof exhilarating. From conceptualizing ideas to deploying the final product, I've been intricately involved in every stage of the development process. Working collaboratively within dynamicteams, I've eagerly shouldered diverse responsibilities, whether it's sculpting intuitive user interfaces using XML or Jetpack Compose, or seamlessly integrating APIs with the precision of Retrofit and MQTT protocols.

My journey began at the age of 15 when I immersed myself inmobile development courses organized by Samsung IT School. It was here that I honed my skills and secured the 2nd place in anational competition, setting the stage for my subsequent endeavors. Fast forward to the age of 17, and I've already amassed 1 year and 11 months of hands-on experience incommercial Android app development. My initiative to migrateall applications to Jetpack Compose and implement the latest trends in Android development underscores my unwavering commitment to staying at the forefront of my field.

My experience at such a young age is a testament to I strive forconstant learning and personal growth and my commitment toutilizing cutting-edge technologies to deliver unparalleled userexperiences. Some notable projects include building a chatapplication and designing efficient home booking systems with delivery services. Throughout these ventures I have effectivelyutilized Kotlin, XML, HTTP, MQTT, Retrofit, Jetpack Compose,DataStore and other state of the tools to ensure top notch performance and user satisfaction. By leveraging thetechnologies available to me I have successfully tackled complex challenges while delivering optimal results for ourcustomers across different domains.

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Ліцей №142

Київ, 2024

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Android developer


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