Ключова інформація

Java Core, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, SQL(PostgreSQL), NoSQL (Redis), Testing (JUnit 5, Mockito), Thymeleaf, Maven, Gradle, Git, GitHub

Навчався в 1 закладі

Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського»

Факультет інформатики та обчислювальної техніки

Київ, 2026

Додаткова інформація

Комп'ютерні навички

The 3rd year student of NTUU “KPI”. My objective is to become an outstanding specialist in the field of web development. I aim to develop quality high-load products using a different technology stack. I have non-commercial experience in:
- developing web applications (both client and server parts);
- working in a team;
- searching bugs and troubleshooting;
- designing specific IT solutions.

Work experience

I developed an application for managing text posts that allows you to perform CRUD operations on posts. To speed up the work, I integrated Redis for caching, and used Google Cloud Storage to store the text of posts. I also developed a service for creating unique short links, which creates unique links in advance and stores in Redis. And for security, I use Spring Security, and after authentication, the service sends a jwt token.




Junior Java Developer


19 років

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