Працювала в 4 компаніях   17 років 7 місяців


Full-time contractor, web-developer

Several companies and agencies


10 років 6 місяців

01.2014 - до теперішнього часу

2014-2022 - development and preparation of websites for SEO goals (working with most popular CMS like WordPress, Bitrix, Drupal, Joomla, Simpla and site builders like Wix, Tilda):

  • Development and optimization websites for SEO objectives, utilizing popular CMS platforms such as WordPress, Bitrix, Drupal, Joomla, Simpla, as well as site builders like Wix and Tilda.
  • Implementation tasks derived from SEO and usability audits, including catalog placement, filter configuration, feedback form integration, introduction of new control elements etc.
  • Executed special tasks such as creating price calculators, complex multi-step forms, dynamic content loading, interactive typography, and specialized galleries.
  • Proficient in troubleshooting and resolving CSS, JavaScript, markup errors, and header request issues.

2022-2024 – Specialization in WordPress Development:

  • Development from scratch, starting from setting up the server environment (GoDaddy, Hetzner, VPS with cPanel, Ispmanager).
  • Development custom themes from scratch and adaptation of payd themes to customer needs (using custom shortcodes and hooks).
  • Work experience with: WooCommerce, ACF, Toolset, Gravity forms, Contact form 7, WP Forms ect., Tutor LMS, LearnDash, WPML.
  • Familiar with page builters - Elementor, Divi, WPBakery etc.
  • Skilled in creating Elementor and Gutenberg blocks from scratch, creation of the Custom Post Types without plugins.
  • Familiar with REST API.

Team leader

Advertising agency "Ideal"


3 роки

01.2011 - 01.2014

  • Management a web development team, specializing in preparing sites for SEO.
  • Development of the concept of internal software products (a comprehensive solution, starting from selling a service to tracking keywords positions and generating reports for clients).
  • Development of a knowledge base and standardized solutions for search engine optimization of sites.

Web Developer

Advertising agency "Ideal"


2 роки

01.2009 - 01.2011

  • Implementation of tasks based on the results of SEO and usability audit.
  • Implementation of special tasks (price calculators, complex multi-step forms, loading ofdynamic content, interactive typography, special galleries etc.).
  • Correction of errors related to the operation of the site and its display in search engineresults

Web Developer

Advertising agency "Altair"


2 роки

01.2007 - 01.2009

  • Development of sites from scratch.
  • Support of existing projects.

Ключова інформація

PHP, HTML, MySQL, CSS, SCSS, Gulp, JavaScript, jQuery, Git, Cloudflare,

Hosting and DNS management, Figma, Photoshop.

I work equally effectively both as a team player and alone.

Володіє мовами







Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові


WordPress Full Stack Developer


43 роки

Активно шукає роботу

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: віддалена робота

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