Працював в 5 компаніях   7 років 11 місяців

IT, Банки

QA&Automation engineer

SELA group


2 роки

06.2022 - 06.2024

Innovative AI-driven FinTech SaaS application for debt collection. Manual and automated web testing using Testim.io.Client side/ server sideFunctional, Regression, Sanity, Usability, GUI, Boundary, System, Integration, Compatibility. Testing of integration with 3rd party’s services (payment, mass mailing, validations)Team player, fast learner, dedicated.

QA Engineer

Sense Bank


2 роки

07.2020 - 07.2022

Mobile banking application “Sense Super App”: Testing of a banking mobile /web application based on a microservice architecture: Manual testingAutomation testing using AppiumClient side/server-side GUI, Functional, Regression, Smoke, Load testing, Localization.

SQA Engineer

Audio Codes www.audiocodes.com


6 місяців

01.2020 - 07.2020

Testing of VoIP applications on platforms IOS/Android based on SIP protocol:

  • Performing manual testing.
  • Faults analysis and investigation, referring to the relevant parties.
  • Usage of Wireshark , iPhone and Android logs analysis applications.
  • Tests management using HP ALM(QC), bugs management using JIRA.
  • Bugs fixes verification and creation QA reports.

QA Engineer

1XHub ltd www.1xhub.com


1 рік

01.2019 - 01.2020

Mobile applications manual testing:

  • GUI, Functional, Regression, Usability.
  • Localization. - API testing.
  • Bugs fixes verification and creation QA reports.

Automation QA Engineer

INETEX ltd www.inetex.co.il


3 роки 3 місяці

09.2016 - 12.2019

Mobile and Web applications, manual and automation testing:

  • GUI, Functional, Regression, Usability, Boundary, System, Integration, Compatibility.
  • API testing and working with DB (SQL).
  • Development, maintenance and improvement Selenium testing scripts.
  • Creation test cases and test suites for manual (functionality and regression) and automated testing.
  • Bugs fixes verification and creation QA reports.

Ключова інформація


Tools and Technologies: Selenium, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Node.js, Postman.

Logs and traces: Wireshark, iOS and Android logs analysis applications.

Workflow: Jira, HP ALM (QC).


Platforms: Windows, Linux, IOS, Android.

Databases: MySQL, Mongo DB.

Languages: Java, JS, C, Python, SQL, HTML

Навчався в 1 закладі

Европейский Университет

Менеджмент ВЭД

Киев, 2010

Володіє мовами




вище середнього

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Tel-Ran technology school


Computer Science, Software QA Automation:


  • Cross browser testing of websites.
  • Testing of mobile apps, desktop and web apps.
  • Writing test cases, bug reports, test plans.
  • Bug Tracking Systems.


QA engineer remote


2 500 $

44 роки

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повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

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