Працював в 1 компанії   5 років 11 місяців


Senior QA Engineer



5 років 10 місяців

10.2016 - 08.2022

  • Requirements analysis and processing
  • Test cases/checklists creation, test runs launch
  • Estimate the required testing time
  • Perform testing activities of the team, communicate with developers and project managers.
  • Functional, non-functional, regression, continues integration, smoke, compatibility tests on web and mobile projects
  • Test Summary reports preparation
  • Participation in planning, coordinate team activities, team members work review
  • Initiate knowledge sharing meetings
  • Write automation test scripts, launch, handle them
  • Back-end testing – API(using swagger, postman)

Ключова інформація

- Agile software development methodologies;

- Kanban software development methodologies;

- Review Software Requirements documents;

- Design test cases to cover software requirements and manage their execution;

- Reporting on status of project/release level test efforts and key issues;

- Black-box testing, Load Testing, Performance testing, Regression, Smoke testing;

- Client-Server applications testing;

- Strong understanding of Bugtracking workflow;

- Desktop application testing- Web application testing- Mobile application testing;

- DB data testing: MS SQL; MySQL; PostgreSQL; MongoDB


QA Engineer


37 років

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