Ключова інформація

Programming Languages


Technologies & Frameworks

Spring ° Spring Boot ° Spring Security ° Spring Data ° JPA ° Hibernate ° Liquibase ° PostgreSQL ° Thymeleaf

Development Tools

Docker ° GIT ° Swagger ° Maven ° Postman ° PgAdmin

Testing Tools

JUnit ° Spring Test ° MockMVC ° Mockito

Навчалась в 1 закладі

Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут"


Харків, 2015

Володіє мовами


нижче середнього



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Додаткова інформація


Startup team

Project in the online education domain. Platfrom contains two main parts: lecturer part and student part. Lecturercan create and manage own video course for future sale, see statistics, create tests for students. Student can buyand pass cources, leave comments, and get a PDF sertificate after successfully passing the cource

My responsibilities on this project consist of development and automated testing(integration tests)CRUD APIs, preparing Liquibase migration scripts.Also I developed next features: generating PDF certificates, sending templated emails, comments functionality,course tests passing

Pet project

Demo online shop. In this project shop administrator can create and manage products, customer can make an orderwith these products. Besides this in the project I implemented spring security with multiple roles support, liqubasemigrations, covered all API by integration tests and prepare Docker and docker-compose fileshttps://gitlab.com/online_store0/demo_shop


Trainee java developer


32 роки

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