Працював в 4 компаніях   1 рік 8 місяців

IT, Будівництво

Java Developer

Self Employed


4 місяці

02.2024 - 06.2024


The Owly Bookstore repository:
Car Sharing Service repository:
Working full-time, I have gained experience similar to a commercial development job. I continuously work to improve strong Java programming skills and learn how to effectively collaborate in a team using Agile methodologies.
• Engage in full-time development, testing, and maintenance of applications.
• Collaborate with team members on various projects to enhance teamwork and communication abilities.
• Participate in regular code reviews and provide feedback to ensure the delivery of high-quality code and continuous improvement.
• Lead the team in projects, ensuring timely task completion and fostering effective collaboration.
• Develop backend services using Spring and Hibernate frameworks.
• Attend technical workshops and mentoring sessions to stay updated with industry trends and enhance my skill set.
Java 21, Spring (Boot, Security, Data JPA), Maven, Liquibase, MySQL, Swagger, JUnit & Mockito, Lombok, Mapstruct, Stripe, Telegram Bot

Java Developer

Wymarzony Dom


5 місяців

09.2023 - 02.2024

The client required a business website with limited functionality, allowing users to view services and projects, read reviews, and submit forms for callbacks or contact via phone.
• Integrated Spring Security and developed service/controller layers for user functionalities.
• Implemented error handling and improved code quality.
• Enhanced UI using HTML, CSS, and Thymeleaf.
• Deployed application on Ubuntu Server using DigitalOcean for seamless hosting.
Java 17, Maven, Spring (Boot, Security, Data JPA, Thymeleaf), PostgreSQL, JWT, Swagger, ModelMapper, Lombok, JavaMail, and Jackson.

Java Developer

SoftServe (internship)


2 місяці

09.2023 - 11.2023

GreenCity MVP repository:
GreenCity USER MVP repository:
The main aim of the “GreenCity” project was to teach people in a playful and challenging way to have an eco-friendly lifestyle.
•Identifying and resolving code issues and bugs.
•Developing and implementing unit tests for code validation.
•Documenting code changes for clarity and maintainability.
•Conducting code reviews, ensuring quality and standards adherence.
•Understanding of CI/CD pipelines for efficient development.
Java 11, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Maven, JUnit, Mockito, ModelMapper, SonarCloud, Docker, Jenkins, Checkstyle, and Swagger.

Java Developer

SoftServe (student)


11 місяців

11.2022 - 10.2023

• Developed Java-based web applications using Spring Framework (Data JPA, MVC, Security).
• Managed databases with JDBC and Hibernate, specializing in MySQL and PostgreSQL.
• Integrated RESTful APIs, documented with Swagger API, and tested using Postman.
• Utilized Docker for containerization, Git for version control, and JUnit/Mockito for testing.
• Engaged in full-cycle project development following agile methodologies.

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Java Developer


700 $

32 роки

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