Працював в 1 компанії   1 рік


Junior catalog tester

Real View LLC


11 місяців

04.2023 - 03.2024

My tasks:

Product update of kitchen manufacturer catalogs

Basic test of catalogs in desktop and web versions of the Prokitchen

Working with bugs in BagZilla

Ключова інформація

Knowledge of testing theory

Ability to work with bugs

Web testing experience

Work with Chrome devtools

I can work with Confluence, Jira and various CRM systems, such as Bitrix, One Box, Amo CRM, Redmaine

Basic knowledge of SQL

Strong soft skills

Навчався в 1 закладі

Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського»

Видавнича справа та редагування

Київ, 2016

Володіє мовами


вище середнього



Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Artem Rusov's course "Tester from scratch"

Kyiv, 2022

Basic knowledge of testing theory

Test design techniques

Acquaintance with the basic tools of manual testing

Introduction to the profession that helped me get my first job in testing

Amo Start

Kyiv, 2019

I can customize amo CRM for the client’s business

Develop the necessary funnels and connect widgets that optimize business operations

Додаткова інформація

Personal Skills

Before testing, I had extensive experience in the field of selling IT products. It gave me such an important skill as how to effectively balance the interests of the business and the requirements of the client.

Also, taking into account the specifics of IT sales, I communicated with product developers, which also helps me in testing, because communication is one of the foundations of the profession.

I have experience in drafting technical tasks and analyzing client requirements, both from the point of view of a tester and from the point of view of a deal manager.

I also have experience as a team leader, so I am interested not only in developing myself as a specialist, but also as a manager

When I worked as a team leader in a food delivery service, I collaborated with site developers to optimize it for customers. In the process of this work, I found a critical bug related to the formation of an order.


Junior manual QA


28 років

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