Працював в 1 компанії   4 роки 4 місяці

Фінансові послуги

Middle QA Engineer


Фінансові послуги

4 роки 3 місяці

02.2020 - 05.2024

  • Responsible for testing functions of the customer personal cabinet CRM (front-end) and CRM (back-end) interaction with third-party applications: UBKI, BankID NBU.
  • Wrote postman collection for a test user registration with different script types which allowed to decrease average regression time.
  • Wrote postman scripts for test users which generated test data similar to a real user identification process in order to simulate different identification types for test environment by putting this generated data in DB.
  • Offered and implemented adjustments for BPMN processes for test environments using Camunda modeler.
  • Wrote SQL scripts for: monitoring user application flow according to Camunda processes, testing new system statuses/decision codes, incident detection in Camunda, changing data for different credit application parameters for test purposes.
  • Created test documentation (checklists, test cases, bug reports).

Ключова інформація

Technical: SQL, PostgreSQL, Postman, Camunda, DevTools, Android Studio, Charles Proxy
Other: Jira, Confluence, Git, Notepad++

Навчався в 1 закладі

Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Фізичний факультет/Фізика та астрономія

Київ, 2021


Middle QA Engineer


26 років

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