Працював в 1 компанії   6 місяців


Java Developer



5 місяців

01.2024 - 06.2024


Book shop

•Developed structure and implemented repository layer with JPArepository and mapper with MapStruct

•Implemented operations for users, admins, books, orders and categories

•Added JWT and pagination support for security in application

•Wrote descriptions for all endpoints in Swagger for potential users

•Used Docker for testing on different platforms. In README wrote instruction for start application in Docker

Technologies: Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, Swagger, Liquibase, Docker, MapStruct

Accommodation service

That was a group project

•Developed a service for booking that allows users to make new bookings, add new apartments, check payment status, and receive notifications in Telegram

•Implemented operations for users and admins using Spring Security

•Added tests to support the potential growth of the application

•In the README, I provided detailed instructions for starting the application in Docker, described the versions of the technologies used, and included a Postman collection for testing

Technologies: Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, Swagger, Liquibase, Docker, MapStruct, Junit, Mockito

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Черновицкий торгово - экономический институт Киевского национального торгово - экономического университета


Черновцы, 2022


Java Developer


23 роки

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