Працювала в 3 компаніях   13 років

Енергетика та Енергоносії, Консалтинг / Аудит

Financial expert in oil & gas


Енергетика та Енергоносії

8 місяців

07.2023 - 03.2024

Negotiated with potential international investors in the Ukrainian oil & gas sector, advising on financial modeling and product sharing agreement structures

Financial Advisor/ Senior Financial Analyst

НАК Нафтогаз України

Енергетика та Енергоносії

7 років 1 місяць

10.2015 - 11.2022

? Participated in negotiations with potential strategic partner for gas transmission system of Ukraine;

? Led financial modeling and deal structuring for the assets split for Ukraine’s largest oil-producing company;

? Supported external experts in developing economic arguments and verifying calculations for competition law complaint and arbitration request against Gazprom regarding gas transit agreement;

? Contributed to the development of EU legislative proposals on gas market rules and security of supply, also aiming to increase utilization of the Ukrainian gas transmission and storage systems;

? Participated in international arbitration hearings against the Russian Federation regarding illegal expropriation of Naftogaz's assets in Crimea;

? Reviewed Naftogaz Group’s financial statements and plans for consistency and compliance with IFRS, identifying areas for improvement and advising on possible solutions;

? Provided ad hoc analysis on different business matters on request of the management.

? Valuation & financial modeling of Naftogaz Group, development of key expectations for business & financial plans;

? Analysis of investment proposals, operational and financial performance, developed new approaches and key metrics for reporting and analysis of business segments performance;

? Was part of the team dedicated to support McKinsey on multiple projects (development of corporate strategy of Naftogaz Group, assessment of synergies opportunities, preparation for organization transformation, gas storages optimization);

? Participated in reviewing Naftogaz’s transformation progress and gas market reforms in Ukraine;

? Contributed to preparation of Eurobonds prospectus and negotiated with Fitch on the credit rating;

? Supported external experts on upstream and midstream assets valuation for international arbitration against the Russian Federation over expropriation of Naftogaz's assets in Crimea, gas transit and gas supply agreements;

? Provided support & calculations for the special projects devoted to Naftogaz's transformation and its victory over Gazprom in Stockholm arbitration2, as well as various public activities of the COO;

? Prepared notes, memos and presentations on various aspects of the Naftogaz Group’s business operations.

Auditor / Senior Associate at Financial Advisory Services, Transaction support

Deloitte & Touche USC

Консалтинг / Аудит

5 років

07.2007 - 07.2012

audit, financial due-diligence, forensic and dispute services, business valuation

Ключова інформація

audit, financial due diligence, financial and investment analysis, support for the development of business plans and strategy, supporting Eurobonds issuance, financial modeling and valuation, the execution of high-stakes negotiations.

Навчалась в 1 закладі

Державний вищий навчальний заклад "Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана"

Облік та аудит

Київ, 2008

Володіє мовами



Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

ERP (energy risk professional)


passed 1 out of 2 exams




CFO;Deputy CFO; Financial, Investment Analyst


38 років

Активно шукає роботу

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, гібридна, в офісі/на місці

Оновлено 6 днів тому