Працювала в 2 компаніях   7 років 4 місяці

IT, Освіта




3 роки 2 місяці

03.2021 - 05.2024

-Utilizing various sources such as Job Portals, LinkedIn, Talent scan, Google X-Ray search,

Facebook, Up Work and DOU to source relevant candidates.

-Posting open vacancies on job boards to attract potential candidates.

-Screening resumes and applications to identify suitable candidates.

-Actively engaging in candidate hunting to discover passive talent.

-Conducting interviews with candidates to assess their qualifications and fit for the role.

-Providing timely and constructive feedback to candidates throughout the recruitment process.

-Managing and updating the candidates' database to ensure accurate and up?to?date information.

-Utilizing Applicant Tracking System (ATS) for efficient candidate management.

-Collaborating with all company departments to understand their staffing needs and requirements.

-Maintaining positive and professional relationships with candidates.

-Assisting in the onboarding process for new employees.

-Contributing to the organization of company events and initiatives.

-Conducting One-on-One Meetings.

-Conducting exit interview.

-Conducting a salary survey of competitor companies.

-Worked on process improvements in the HR department.

-Worked with an intrinsic motivational programme.

-Utilizing Artificial Intelligence.

-Assisting the sales and marketing departments:

-LinkedIn Lead Generation for Client Acquisition,

-Working with Social Media Platforms.

Manager of sales englishoffice



4 роки

03.2017 - 03.2021

Established a sales department from scratch in collaboration with the management. Engage in all stages of sales process, including outbound cold calling, database creation and management, nurturing warm leads, forming study groups, conducting presentations, and closing deals. Oversee sales managers and ensure their performance meets expectations. Developed and implemented effective sales scripts. Conduct periodic competitor price monitoring. Attended various sales and public speaking training sessions

Навчалась в 1 закладі

Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture

Finance and credit

Дніпро, 2018

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Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

" how can an it company start hiring specialists in poland "


Hr/recruiting skillsup


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Singing, dancing, drawing, sports

Олена Сергіївна


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29 років

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