Працював в 1 компанії   2 роки 6 місяців


QA Engineer



2 роки 5 місяців

12.2021 - 05.2024

Middle QA Engineer, Software Development HUB (Product: FieldHub, USA)

  • Conducted a range of testing activities including functional/non-functional, smoke, regression, ad hoc, end-to-end, exploratory, and cross-browser testing.
  • Performed comprehensive mobile (iOS/Android) application testing covering functional, usability, UI, and regression aspects, including installation testing.
  • Executed UI/UX testing for both web and mobile platforms, ensuring alignment with Figma design.
  • Utilized DevTools and Sentry for web testing.
  • Conducted database testing using DBeaver, ensuring data integrity and correctness, and performing tasks such as data hidden from users, data writing verification, selections, searches, and editing.
  • Provided customer support by configuring new productions for clients and processing client data, including handling over 20 new products.
  • Tracked and investigated bugs reported by customers, creating test plans and executing checklists and test cases.
  • Collaborated with PM and BA to analyze and test product requirements, identifying potential conflicts and enhancing team productivity during task planning.
  • Mentored and trained three new QA team members.Worked according to the Scrum methodology, organized weekly QA meetings to discuss system-related issues.


QA Engineer


1 500 $

39 років

повна зайнятість

Характер роботи: віддалена робота

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