Працював в 1 компанії   6 місяців


Junior Python Developer



5 місяців

01.2024 - 06.2024

I am a beginner Python developer. For the last 1.5 years, I've been studying Python and already have six months of working experience on live outsourced projects.I have hands-on experience with diverse tasks such as automated Telegram bots, web scraping, ETL pipelines, API creation, and controlling remote Android devices. I'm a team player but also can work as a full-remote solo developer. I strive to develop in the field of Python development and am ready to learn new technologies and benefit the team.

  • Completed several projects:
    - ETL pipelines for parsing e-commerce websites
    - A bot to automate the provision of social services
    - 3rd-party API for the mailing list service
    - Automated process of centralized social networks media content posting
  • My pet projects:
    - personalized news feed Telegram bot(https://github.com/a-brovchenko/django-telegram-bot)
    - online multiplayer checkers game(https://github.com/a-brovchenko/online_checkers)

Technical Skills


- Django

- DRF (Django REST frameworks)

- Flask

Frontend Development

- JavaScript, HTML, CSS - basic knowledge

Web Scraping & ETL

- Selenium (Headless Chrome)

- BeautifulSoup

Database Management (MySQL, PostgreSQL)

- synchronous requests (psycopg2, pymysql)

- asynchronous requests (asyncp, dbutils)

Message Brokers

- Redis

- RabbitMQ

Operating Systems

- Linux basic knowledge

Development Tools and Practices

- Version control (Git, GitHub)

- Containerization & orchestration (Docker, Docker Compose)

- Task management (Miro, Trello)

- Project management (Scrum, Agile)

Interaction with Cloud


- Google Cloud SDK

- Google Cloud IAM

Observability & Monitoring

- NewRelic agent (centralised metrics / logs / alerts)

Android Emulation & Management

- adb

- appium

- appium-uiautomator2

Auxiliary Libraries & Tools

- threading, asynciо, multiprocessing

- logging, pythonjsonlogger

- Postman

Ключова інформація

Python, Django, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Requests, lxml, BeautifulSoup, Selenium (Headless Chrome), PostgreSQL (Psycopg2, Asyncpg), MySQL (Pymysql), Dbutils (Connection Pooling), pyTelegramBotAPI, python-telegram-bot-pagination, threading, asyncio, multiprocessing, schedule, logging, pythonjsonlogger, JSON, datetime, re, os, Miro, Trello, Docker, Docker Compose, Git, GitHub, Redis, RabbitMQ, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud APIs, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Exponential Backoff, Python Virtual Environment

Systems: Linux

Mobile Device Management: Android Devices

Навчався в 1 закладі

Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара

Факультет Фізики, Електроніки та Комп’ютерних Систем

Дніпро, 2013

Володіє мовами


нижче середнього


вище середнього

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Linux basics

Дніпро, 2023


Дніпро, 2023

Python core

Дніпро, 2022

Python beginner

Дніпро, 2022

Додаткова інформація

Свій розділ

Посилання на резюме - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P1Gja4xxtc8Gse8zIFdyfpYB2zwWhNAZEsaM1-MdHIA/edit?usp=sharing


Junior Python Developer


33 роки

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