Працював в 1 компанії   1 рік 1 місяць


QA Engineer

Self employed


1 рік

05.2023 - 05.2024

I am a QA Engineer experienced in manual and automated testing for web and mobile applications.
I have experience creating and maintaining test documentation (test plan, test cases, bug reports, RTM, and test result reports), worked in a team using Scrum methodology. I used Jira to track bugs and TestRail to create test cases. I also have experience in local testing with Docker, creating E2E tests with Cypress, and API testing with Postman. I used Android Studio and Genymotion for mobile testing. I have experience in Unix terminal and VCS (Git).
With strong communication skills and a team-oriented approach, I excel in creating comprehensive test documentation and promoting a productive team environment.
While working on projects, I did the following:
- requirements analysis
- working in a Scrum environment, engaged in sprint planning, daily meetings, and sprint reviews
- developing test plan
- developing/executing test cases in TestRail
- reporting bugs into Jira
- testing with Android Studio, Genymotion
- E2E testing using Cypress with Page object model
- API testing using Postman
- local testing with Docker

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Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна

Юридичний факультет, спеціальність Право

Харків, 2024

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QA Engineer


600 $

21 рік

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