Ключова інформація

CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Python, C++, Github, Gitlab, Git, Multipass, Bash

Навчалась в 1 закладі

Частное учреждение "Университет "Киевская школа экономики "

Інженерія програмного забезпечення та бізнес аналіз

Киев, 2026

Володіє мовами


вище середнього




Додаткова інформація

Past projects

Developed a website for exploring and understanding DDoS attacks in a controlled and educational environment.

Key Contributions:

User Authentication: Enabled secure registration, login, and profile management.

Profile Management: Implemented functions for updating user profiles, including bios and profile pictures.

DDoS Attack Simulation: Created a simulation environment for testing various DDoS attack scenarios using threading for multiple HTTP requests.

Real-time Communication: Integrated WebSocket for real-time messaging using Django Channels.

Database Integration: Utilized MongoDB for flexible data storage.

Tools & Technologies:

Backend: Django, Python

Database: MongoDB

WebSocket: Django Channels

Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Git hub link: https://github.com/KristinaRiabova/ddos_attack_app-chat

Developed a console-based e-commerce system.

Key Contributions:

Product Base Class: Implemented a polymorphic e-commerce system by defining a common base class.

Derived Classes: Created classes (Electronics, Books, Clothing) with type-specific implementations.

Polymorphism in Collections: Managed a collection of product types through a common interface.

Order and Cart Management: Adapted management systems to work with polymorphic product objects.

Enhanced Reporting: Generated product-specific reports using polymorphism.

Dynamic Casting: Employed dynamic_cast for accessing class-specific information.


Git hub link: https://github.com/KristinaRiabova/E_Commerce_system


JavaScript intern


19 років

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: стажування / практика, віддалена робота

Оновлено 4 місяці тому