Працював в 3 компаніях   5 років 9 місяців

Державний сектор

System Administrator

Department of Education of the Black Sea City Council

Державний сектор

1 рік 6 місяців

03.2022 - 09.2023

I solve technical issues of users, provide consultations, help with the use of various information systems.

Maintenance and adjustment of the video surveillance system.

Installation and maintenance of computer equipment.

Installation and configuration of new hardware and software.

Installing and configuring operating system and software updates.

Support for corporate users (more than 100 workstations)

Specialist in public procurement

Department of Education of the Black Sea City Council

Державний сектор

1 рік 4 місяці

11.2020 - 03.2022

Procurement planning, making changes to the annual procurement plan and publishing them in the electronic procurement system;

Preparation and compilation of relevant documents on public procurement issues (including tender documentation, clarifications);

Posting information about public procurement in the electronic procurement system;

Analysis of completed purchases;

Participation in contractual work.


Department of Education of Voznesensk City Council

Державний сектор

2 роки 9 місяців

08.2015 - 05.2018

- support of accounting, implementation of economic activity;

- planning of financial activity in the current and next periods;

- planning of the existing budget and income of future periods;

- tariff for employees;

- expense tracking, budget utilization report;

- calculation of budget payments, allocations and other amounts provided for in the work of this budget organization;

- analysis of activity, its optimization, based on the results of the analysis;

- communications with higher structures;

- control over the fulfillment of contractual obligations of the parties;

- procurement in budget organizations;

- formation, preservation and provision of access to archives of documentation and reports.

Ключова інформація

The ability to work in stressful situations both in a team and individually.

I prefer to find the optimal solution in a short time with limited time and resources.

Work experience in smoothing psychological tension in the team.

Work experience at the level of financial director and chief accountant.

The ability to competently and proactively organize the work of subordinates to achieve the goals set by the management.

Knowledge: 1C, PC, Windows, Word, Excel, Access, Me.Doc, E-reporting, СДО, ПЛАТ, Teamwork, Time management, Effective communication, Attention to detail, Desire to learn, Logical thinking, Python, SQL (SQLite , PostgreSQL), noSQL (Redis, MongoDB), Django, Git, HTML5, CSS3.

Навчався в 4 закладах

IT School GoIT

Python Developer

Київ, 2024

Приватний заклад вищої освіти "ІТ СТЕП Університет"

Internet Marketing

Одеса, 2024

Приватний заклад вищої освіти "ІТ СТЕП Університет"

Web Development with Python

Одеса, 2023

Миколаївський національний аграрний університет

Облік і аудит

Миколаїв, 2017

Володіє мовами





Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати



I learned how to build dynamic web applications using Angular, a powerful front-end framework. I've mastered components, directives, services, and dependency injection. Also learned about Angular CLI, RxJS for reactive programming, and best practices for state management and application architecture.

C Intermediate


I deepened my knowledge of the C programming language, focusing on memory management, pointers, structures, and file I/O operations.

C# Intermediate


In C#, I improved my object-oriented programming skills by working with interfaces, inheritance, and polymorphism. I also explored .NET frameworks including Windows Forms and ASP.NET for web development.

C++ Intermediate


I improved my C++ knowledge by working with complex concepts like templates, Standard Template Library (STL) and exception handling.

Coding for Data


I gained skills in data manipulation and analysis using programming languages such as Python and SQL. This included working with libraries such as pandas, NumPy, and performing data cleaning, transformation and visualization tasks.

Coding Foundations


This course provided the fundamentals of programming, including variables, control structures, functions, and debugging techniques.

Front-end for Beginners


I learned the basics of front-end development, focusing on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This included creating responsive web designs.

Introduction to C


This course introduced me to the basics of C programming, including data types, loops, functions, and arrays.

Introduction to C#


This course was essential for transitioning to more complex C# applications.

Introduction to C++


I gained an understanding of basic C++ syntax, control structures and functions.

Introduction to CSS


This course taught me how to style web pages using CSS, including selectors, properties, and layout techniques. The principles of adaptive design were also considered.

Introduction to HTML


I learned the structure and semantics of HTML, which is essential for creating web pages. This included elements, attributes, forms and media integration.

Introduction to Java


I was introduced to Java programming, including basic syntax, flow control, and principles of object-oriented programming.

Introduction to JavaScript


I learned the basics of JavaScript, including syntax, DOM manipulation, and event handling.

Introduction to Python


I gained a basic understanding of Python, focusing on syntax, data types, control structures, and basic data manipulation.

Introduction to SQL


This course covered the basics of SQL, including database queries, data filtering, and table joins.

Java Intermediate


I improved my Java skills by exploring topics such as multithreading, collections, and the Java API.

JavaScript Intermediate


I deepened my JavaScript knowledge by learning ES6+ capabilities, asynchronous programming with promises and async/await, and advanced DOM manipulation techniques.

Python Developer


In this course, I learned how to create applications using Python. This included working with frameworks like Django and Flask, understanding web scraping and performing data mining.

Python Intermediate


I improved my Python skills by focusing on more complex topics such as object-oriented programming, error handling, and working with external libraries and APIs.

SQL Intermediate


I expanded my knowledge of SQL, including advanced query techniques, database design principles, and optimization strategies for better performance.

Tech for Everyone


This course provided an overview of key technologies and their applications, contributing to a broader understanding of how different technologies interact and are used in different industries.

Web Development


I gained comprehensive web development skills including frontend (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and backend (Python) technologies.

Додаткова інформація

About Yourself

I am a dedicated and versatile professional with strong experience in accounting, auditing, procurement and IT systems administration.


Junior Python Developer


Готовий переїхати: Одеса

29 років

Активно шукає роботу

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: стажування / практика, віддалена робота

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