Працював в 3 компаніях   5 років 10 місяців


DevOps Engineer



9 місяців

09.2023 - до теперішнього часу

Сonfiguring a Kubernetes cluster

Microservice architecture integration

Implementation of pipeline assembly

Implementing the IaC solution

TechStack: AWS, IAC (terraform), K8S, python/bashscripting

DevOps Engineer



2 роки 4 місяці

02.2022 - до теперішнього часу

Сonfiguring a Kubernetes cluster

Microservice architecture integration

Migrate from Vsphere to AWS TechStack: IAC, vSphere, Ansible, DockerSwarm, K8S, CI/CD

DevOps Engineer

Show4me Music Interaction Network


4 роки 5 місяців

09.2018 - 02.2023

Administration and configuration of servers/cloud platiorms and services Restructuringandoptimizationofexistingapplicationsand microservices Preparing and deploying Jenkins pipelines to automatically build IOS/Android apps

Configure monitoring and event notification systems Conducting performance testing to predict load resources TechStack: UNIX BareMetal, DockerSwarm, CI/CD, Linode

Ключова інформація

Championed automation efforts to make systems as automated and dynamic as possible.Led the migration of infrastructure from on-prem servers to AWS Cloud.Spearheaded the creation, enhancement, and maintenance of CI/CD processes.Implemented robust monitoring solutions for system health and performance.Developed automation scripts in Bash and Python for various tasks.Designed and executed CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and Bitbucket Pipelines.Created Infrastructure as Code (IaC) templates with Terraform, ensuring consistent cloud resource provisioning.Managed Kubernetes clusters, handling deployment, scaling, and monitoring tasks efficiently.Established monitoring and logging systems using ELK stack and Prometheus/Grafana, enabling real-time visibility and proactive issue resolution.Collaborated closely with development teams to optimize application performance and resource utilization, leveraging Docker and Kubernetes for containerization.

Володіє мовами




DevOps Engineer


100 000 грн.

32 роки

повна зайнятість

Характер роботи: віддалена робота

Оновлено 1 місяць тому