Працював в 1 компанії   2 роки 7 місяців


General QA Engineer

Integrio Systems


2 роки 6 місяців

07.2021 - 01.2024

Manual and automated testing of Web apps and API.

Main project- ERP system (custom web-based software system for creating, storing, organizing, searching, viewing, editing, and controlling standardized work instructions and processes, show stages, etc.) Used technologies: Java, PostgreSQL, jQuery, React.
Achievements: developing, implementation, support, and executing E2E and API automated test framework (Java) with more than 1000 verifications that identified more than 100 critical bugs and not only that. That reduced regression testing time from 4-7 hours to 0.5-1.5 hours, allowed us to perform long critical path tests more often during the development of new features and detecting bugs at an earlier stage. Parameterized tests using Excel sheets allowed us to change test datasets and expected results easily without changing program code in order to avoid the "Pesticide Paradox" and also quickly disable data sets to make the tests run as fast as possible.
More info in my CV.

Ключова інформація

Development and support of the testing documentation.

Manual testing.

Development and support of automated testing frameworks.
WEB and API.

Навчався в 1 закладі

Kharkiv College of Medical Equipment.

Medical equipment and electronics.

Харків, 2000

Володіє мовами


вище середнього

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Basic software testing module. Software testing. Practical SQL. UNIX and networking basics. Stress Testing. Web servers and Web services

Київ, 2021


Middle QA Engineer


46 років

повна зайнятість

Оновлено 4 місяці тому