Працювала в 5 компаніях   16 років 6 місяців

Інше, Банки

Head of the administrative department, economist of financial work

JSC “EnSolut”


3 роки 8 місяців

11.2020 - до теперішнього часу

- Coordination of admin group (finance, personnel, office manager, assistants, IT);Work with the Bank – accounts’ opening/maintenance, individual service tariffs, work with currency control, financial monitoring, responses to requests, etc.;

- Client-bank by group of companies (payments (employee salaries, settlement with counterparties, taxes payments, settlement of operating contracts), account statements, currency transactions, etc.);

- Work with full-time employees: time sheets, payroll, vacation, sick leave, personnel documentation, etc.;

- Work with counterparties – individual entrepreneurs - signing contracts, preparing acts/reports, making payments;

- Accounting/payments for operational and engineering currency contracts;

- Budgets preparation for a group of companies on a regular basis; preparation of plan/fact reports;

- Management reporting;

- Staff recruitment (administrative positions and engineers of various specialties);

- Participation in the development and testing of working hours accounting program;

- Participation in the development and testing of employees’ attendance through the turnstiles accounting program

Chief expert of compensation and benefits Sub-Department, HR Department



4 роки 3 місяці

07.2016 - 10.2020

- Participation in employees’ motivation system development and support, bonus calculation based on performance results and achieved targets;

- Participation in expenses budgeting for providing motivation needs, control over its execution;

- Data preparation for Ernst & Young salaries and compensations overview, preparation of results analysis and payment level proposals;

- Development of limits and compensations map (limits and privileges for all position levels);

- Participation in development and actualization of salary based methodological documentation;

- HR documentation maintaining, namely: staff administration orders preparation (salary increase, bonuses and payments etc.).).

Leading specialist of personnel planning and remuneration management Center

PJSC “Fidobank”


2 роки 5 місяців

02.2014 - 07.2016

- HR documentation maintaining, namely: staff administration orders preparation (salary increase, bonuses and payments etc.);

- Staff related management reporting, particularly preparation of internal reports for HR Department usage and for other departments according to requests;

- Staff list preparation;

- Bank branches staff budget preparation, comparison of actual/budget/forecast data, coordination of personnel movements according to approved staff budget, support of budget files relevance;

- Ernst & Young salaries overview participation.

Leading economist of business lines controlling sub-dep, Controlling department, Financial division



3 роки 2 місяці

08.2010 - 10.2013

- Management reporting; bank performance analysis with regular-based presentation preparation of business lines results including: analysis of business lines/client’s performance in the accounting period; submission of actual, budget, forecast data in terms of the following data; loan/deposit portfolio analysis, outstanding, portfolio dynamics in terms of business lines, currencies, clients, products; analysis of client base, namely active clients; analysis of loans/deposits market share.

- Decomposition of financial result into levels in contribution margin scheme in terms of business lines, products, clients, currencies according to Group methodology (Group Performance Model);

- Client efficiency analysis;
- Regular/irregular request on reporting from business lines;

- Fee committee recording.

Leading specialist of staff administration sub-department, HR department

PC “Erste Bank”


5 років 9 місяців

11.2007 - 08.2013

  • Maintaining of HR documentation, namely: staff administration orders preparation (recruitment, transferring, dismissal, vacation etc.), record keeping on personnel files, personnel cards, labor books; staff list preparation etc.;
  • Staff related management reporting;
  • Manager of Group project “Career model” (career ladder map according to Group methodology for each employee position, description of responsibilities, KPIs, qualifications).

Ключова інформація

Languages Ukrainian – native; English – upper intermediate.

Qualifications: Experienced user of MS Office (Word, Exсel, Access, Power Point, Outlook). Worked in Scrooge, HRM, Espresso, have experience to work with large amount of data.

Personal qualities: Responsible, punctual, attentive to details, compliance with the pressure, result-oriented, team worker.

Навчалась в 2 закладах

Higher educational institution “Kyiv university of market relations”


Київ, 2010

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

Economic and social geography

Київ, 2008

Володіє мовами


вище середнього


Finance manager


38 років

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, гібридна, в офісі/на місці

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