Працював в 2 компаніях   1 рік 4 місяці

Послуги для бізнесу - інше, IT - консалтинг / Послуги / Виробництво устаткування

Research Analyst

Pro Consulting

Послуги для бізнесу - інше

2 місяці

12.2023 - 02.2024

Market analysis ( trends analysis, market indicators analysis : capacity in physical, monetary terms, market segmentation and structuring ) competitor analysis ( competitor s market share ) production analysis ( dynamics in quantitative terms and value terms, share of manufacturers ) international economic activity ( export and import : trends, capacities, dynamics, and structuring by variables ) branding and advertising. 3 successful projects ( residence permit in slovakia 2023, evaluation of the market of fruit and vegetable chips and pastilles in ukraine 2021, 2023, evaluation of the market of liquids for vape, nicotine pouches and snus in ukraine 2021, 2023 ) .

Project coordinator

Sis llc

IT - консалтинг / Послуги / Виробництво устаткування

1 рік

09.2021 - 09.2022

Supported project manager by overseeing administrative tasks, communicating with stakeholders, and ensuring resource availability for the project team : project plan creation, tasks allocation for team during project phases, project creation in azure devops, excel template creation for budget tracking, power bi time spending monitoring, conducting daily scrum meetings, conducting weekly retrospective with stakeholder s ceo

Ключова інформація

Good communication and interpersonal skills capable of maintaining strong relationships good organizational and multi, tasking skills leadership and time management skills

Навчався в 1 закладі

Taras shevchenko national university of kyiv

Faculty of economics, international economics

Київ, 2023

Володіє мовами







Додаткова інформація

Хобі та інтереси

Dancing, handstyle drawing, photoshop editing, music, sports doing ( gym




22 роки

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