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Працював в 4 компаніях   13 років 11 місяців

Енергетика та Енергоносії

1. Head of the Directorate for the Implementation of Compressor Station Projects

Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC

Енергетика та Енергоносії

3 роки 11 місяців

10.2020 - до теперішнього часу

  • Establishment of a specialized unit (project office) responsible for the organization, preparation and implementation of compressor station reconstruction projects prior to construction and installation works, using the best international practices in compliance with the ideology of the International Federation of Consultant Engineers FIDIC,
  • involving both domestic and international contractors using international agreements on standard proformas of the contract "Equipment, Design, Installation" (Yellow Book), involving professional independent engineers
  • Formation, coordination and approval of the organizational structure of the responsible unit, search and selection of personnel;
  • Presentation of the results of a comparative analysis of potential project implementation areas, approval of optimal options, and preparation of an assessment at the bankable feasibility study stage;
  • Organization of work on obtaining high-quality technical and commercial proposals from global manufacturers of gas turbine equipment, such as Solar turbines, Siemens Oil & Gas, Baker Hughes, etc. for each individual compressor station;
  • Analyzing design solutions to identify bottle necks, controlling the correctness of budgeting and compliance with technical discipline;
  • Conducting an economic analysis of the effectiveness of investments for each individual reconstruction project with the definition of economic effects and their main indicators;
  • Engage independent consultants to draft construction agreements based on the provisions of the FIDIC Yellow Book and draft consulting engineer contracts based on the FIDIC White Book.
  • Adaptation of the terms and conditions of construction agreements and consulting engineer agreements to the provisions of the Commercial Code, the Civil Code, the Law of Ukraine "On Public Procurement" and other legislative and regulatory acts;
  • Development of special terms and conditions of contracts, technical annexes, technical specifications, BOQ, Price breakdown, etc;
  • Searching for and engaging recognized FIDIC engineers and consulting organizations to implement projects, collecting commercial offers, forming the expected cost, preparing for procurement procedures in accordance with the requirements of the applicable law.Preparation of tender documents acceptable and accessible to international bidders for turnkey construction and installation procurement procedures;
  • Establishment of a project implementation team to be financed by attracting loans from international financial organizations. Acting as the administrative head of the project implementation team. Organization of credit fund raising and fulfillment of the requirements of credit organizations for environmental and social studies, a plan of interaction with third parties, and procurement management.
  • Management of existing projects for the reconstruction of compressor stations that are at the stage of physical execution of works, building an organizational chart of interaction between participants in the construction process, adapting projects to fluctuations in market realities and rapid changes in resource costs
  • Developing a strategy for handling the company's illiquid assets, identifying possible alternatives, and calculating the effectiveness of such solutions
  • Creation of a strategy for the implementation of power generation projects based on gas turbine installations;
  • Support of the implementation of projects for the construction of gas turbine plants for the power generation at the stages of supplying the necessary equipment, developing engineering documentation, performing construction and commissioning works;
  • Development and implementation of a plan for the interaction of local and international stakeholders during the implementation of projects for the construction of power plants;

Deputy Head of the Construction Department

JSC "Ukrgasvydobuvannya"

Енергетика та Енергоносії

8 місяців

02.2020 - 10.2020

  • Organizing and conducting procurement procedures for goods, works and services to meet the needs of the Department and branches of JSC UkrGasVydobuvannya in accordance with the Law of Ukraine On Public Procurement;
  • Conducting benchmarking for planning and analyzing the performance of works on construction of sites and roads for well drilling and operations;
  • Standardization of contractual relations in construction. Development and implementation of standard forms of contracts for design and survey and construction works;
  • Organizing the work of the Department and branches in terms of coordinating critical projects aimed at stabilizing and increasing hydrocarbon production;
  • Review and evaluation of investment projects. Due Diligence of construction projects. Preparation and submission of reports on the compliance of project documentation with the requirements of regulatory and legal acts, presence/absence of potential financial/reputational/temporal risks, recommendations on the strategy for the implementation of construction projects;
  • Full management of key/priority projects for JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya. Organization of initial data collection, development of design and estimate documentation, examination of design documentation, analysis of design documentation, formation of a list of procurement procedures and conduct of procurement procedures, management of contractors, formation of monthly plans, establishment of control over compliance with the deadlines;
  • Participation in the implementation of automated control tools and collection of information on the timeliness of the implementation of control stages in operational projects;
  • Participation in the reorganization of the capital construction structure with the separation of functions for operational activities and critical/investment projects;
  • Development of competence and skills of the Capital Construction Department in systematic management of construction projects; Methodological guidance of the Company's capital construction services.

Head of Production and Technical Department

"Directorate for the construction and reconstruction of the gas transmission system" JSC "Ukrtransgaz"

Енергетика та Енергоносії

6 років 3 місяці

11.2013 - 02.2020

  • Implementation of construction projects in terms of organizing the development of design and design and technological documentation. Organizing the preparation and approval of tasks for the design of construction projects, procurement of design and survey and construction works in accordance with the requirements of the applicable law, preparation of technical requirements and quality characteristics of the subject of procurement, qualification criteria and tender documentation for the procurement of relevant works, and conducting departmental and state expertise of design documentation;
  • Providing construction projects with documents establishing the right to use land plots. Organization of procurement procedures for land management services with the corresponding preparation of detailed technical requirements and quality characteristics, qualification criteria and tender documentation, cooperation with land management organizations to determine methodological approaches to the execution of title documents for the right to permanent and temporary use of land plots;
  • Organizing the work of the construction quality control service for all types of construction and design work. Overseeing the maintenance of construction documents, providing construction projects with technical and author's supervision, developing quality control procedures for construction works, analyzing design solutions in the development of project documentation for compliance with the requirements of state standards and the regulatory framework;
  • Preparation of contractor agreements, formation of contract prices, conclusion and maintenance of contracts for the performance of works, supply of goods and provision of services;
  • Preparation of materials and obtaining permits for construction works, development of project documentation, development of land management documentation and commissioning of construction projects.Timely collection and systematization of analytical reporting on the implementation of capital investment plans, contractual obligations, financing of work performed / services rendered / goods delivered.
  • Preparation of construction schedules, acceptance of completed works at all stages of project implementation.
  • Cooperation with the customs authorities in terms of customs formalities for the import of equipment (submission of technical descriptions, obtaining codes, cooperation with brokers, registration of temporary customs warehouses and temporary customs zones on the territory of enterprises, etc.)
  • Work with foreign economic contracts and contracts financed by loans from IFIs.Project budgeting, expenditure control, preparation of reports on the work performed.

Technical supervision engineer

Cherkasytransgaz, Ukrtransgaz

Енергетика та Енергоносії

2 роки 11 місяців

05.2010 - 04.2013

Quality control of construction and installation works, monitoring the implementation of schedules and deadlines for construction, acceptance of work performed by the contractor, checking the quality of the declared materialsverification of acts of work performed, verification of compliance of the scopes of work actually performed, control of material consumption, verification of the use of quality materials, control of timeliness and quality of elimination of identified deviations, deficiencies, defects, in a timely manner, acceptance of as-built documentation from the contractor upon delivery of the object

Organization of the work of the service of monitoring the safe and reliable operation of building structures, supervision over the safe technical condition of buildings, structures and engineering networks in the enterprise.

Ключова інформація

Key information and skills:

Establishing the functioning of the structure of the construction customer, project team, building proper work with stakeholders, using tools for continuous team development;

Knowledge of the regulatory framework, Ukrainian legislation on land relations, procurement procedures, conclusion and execution of contracts for design and construction works, procurement of goods and other related services.Organizing the quality control system during design and construction works;

Planning, management of financing, procurement activities of projects, optimization of the timing of work;

Risk management, application of tools for their prevention and/or management;

Hard skills in the field of technological equipment and processes of oil and gas equipment operation, production, storage, transportation;

Hard skills in preparing high-tech industrial facilities for commissioning. Organization of commissioning works for putting the facilities into operation;

Substantial experience in permitting and certification activities of construction projects;

Experience in drafting and implementing contractor agreements for design, construction, equipment supply, procurement of services related to the work, comprehensive preparation of EPC, EPC+f, EPCM contracts for major investment projects;

Experience in working with foreign economic contracts with credit financing terms;Work with construction projects financed by loans from IFIs (World Bank, EBRD, EIB).

Experience in implementing lenders' requirements to the project implementation strategy;

Functional interaction with engineers and consultants appointed by the lenders to develop and implement requirements during the preparation and implementation of projects (Environmental and Social Policy, Third Party Relationship Policy, QA/QC plans, Health and Safety Policy, etc;)

Organizing work with international donor organizations (USAID, Ukraine Energy Support Fund, ECS, etc.) to attract funding for priority tasks and projects;

Drafting, adaptation to the requirements of the current legislation of contracts for the implementation of construction projects and standard FIDIC proformas;

Management of construction economics at all stages of its implementation, control of budget efficiency;

Knowledge of estimating at the level of an experienced user;

Successful experience in registering the right to use land plots of various forms of ownership for various types of use;

Regulatory and documentary support of construction projects from idea development to commissioning;

Evaluation of investment projects in terms of financial feasibility, calculation of key financial results, building a decision-making system for investment projects;

Experienced PC user. MS Office, Microsoft Project, PowerPoint, AVK-5, Project XXI;

Experience in customer and contractor structures;Work with cross-functional tasks;

High level negotiation skills.

Creation of a strategy for the implementation of power generation projects based on gas turbine installations;

Навчався в 3 закладах

Kyiv School of Economics

"Management of state-owned enterprises"

Киев, 2023

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Gas and oil pipelines, gas and oil storages. Specialty Service, repair and reconstruction of oil and gas pipelines

Ивано-Франковск, 2014

Poltava National Technical University. Yuri Kondratyuk

Construction department, industrial and civil construction, Magister of Construction

Полтава, 2010

Володіє мовами


вище середнього

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Certificate of completion of the course "Project and Process Management" (Kyiv School of Economics)


Association of Consulting Engineers in Construction


Certificate of the accredited FIDIC module "Practical use of FIDIC contracts"

Certificate of technical supervision engineer



PMO/Head of Construction and Investments/Director of Production/Director of Operational Efficiency


36 років

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