Працював в 1 компанії   4 місяці


Internship Frontend Developer



3 місяці

02.2023 - 05.2023

  • Collaborated with designers to convert mockup design of Travel Agency into responsive website.
  • Developed website by referencing Figma template, created validations for user forms, integrated functionalities form third-party libraries.
  • Integrated APIs to enable data communication between the website and the company's server.

Ключова інформація

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Angular v16+
  • NestJS
  • PostgreSQL, Sequelize, TypeORM
  • Розробка та підтримка веб-інтерфейсів для користувачів
  • Впровадження дизайну та функціональності на стороні клієнта
  • Взаємодія з дизайнерами та back-end розробниками для інтеграції фронтенду та бекенду
  • Розробка адаптивного та респонсивного дизайну для різних пристроїв
  • Створення анімацій та взаємодій для покращення користувацького досвіду
  • Навчався в 1 закладі

    Державний університет телекомунікацій

    Інженерія Програмного Забезпечення

    Київ, 2024

    Володіє мовами





    Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

    Angular - The Complete Guide (2024 Edition) Created by – Maximilian Schwarzmuller – Udemy


    NestJS: The Complete Developer's Guide: Created by – Stephen Grider – Udemy


    Requirements Engineering: Secure Software Specifications


    HTML5 & CSS3 - ITVDN


    Додаткова інформація


    • Developed a website for a local cafe, incorporating seamless routing, a user-friendly feedback form, and a newsletter subscription feature.
    • Improved UX through intuitive navigation and interactive elements, contributing to increased customer engagement and the cafe's online presence.
    • Built website using React, SASS, Framer-motion, Google-map-react, EmailJS, Vite.JS
    • GitHub: https://github.com/3Tushka/Geright-restaurant-layout
    • Demo: https://geright-restaurant-layout.vercel.app/


    • Developed an interactive quiz application to test and enhance users' English language proficiency.
    • Built the application using HTML, SCSS, TypeScript, and Angular, integrating EmailJS for email functionalities.
    • Implemented real-time result processing to provide users with immediate feedback upon quiz completion, highlighting mistakes and incorrect answers.
    • Created reactive forms for the dynamic addition of questions, allowing users to choose between grammar tests or reading tests.
    • Developed functionality to filter quizzes by multiple categories, enhancing user experience through personalized test selection.
    • Added a method that reports quiz errors by sending email notifications, enabling quick identification and correction of mistakes to maintain content accuracy.
    • Integrated SCSS animations to improve usability and make the learning experience more engaging.
    • GitHub: https://github.com/3Tushka/homework-app
    • Demo: https://homework-nwjzxdf4f-3tushkas-projects.vercel.app/

    Velescape Mythology

    Developed a full-stack application for storing and displaying articles about mythical creatures

    • Angular v16 (client-side), NestJS (server-side), PostgreSQL with Sequelize ORM (database). Swagger.io, Cookie-parser, bcryptjs.
    • Created client, server and database using Angular v16, NestJS, PostgreSQL and Sequelize ORM.
    • Built robust client and server applications connected through a RESTful API, utilizing CORS for seamless cross-origin communication. Employed Sequelize ORM for efficient interaction with the PostgreSQL database.
    • Integrated JSON Web Tokens for secure user authentication. Developed a model to distinguish between User and Admin roles, ensuring appropriate access levels.
    • Implemented comprehensive CRUD functionalities for efficient data management. Created an admin interface for analyzing, modifying, and adding articles. Developed a profile page allowing users to change their display name and password. Added the ability for users to comment on articles, enhancing engagement.
    • Created User profile page where he can change display name and password. Added comment functionality for article, user can comment under article.
    • Designed a template-driven feedback form with custom validation to gather user input effectively. Integrated custom validation in forms to improve data integrity and user feedback.
    • Established a RESTful API for efficient communication between the client and server. Configured Cross-Origin Resource Sharing to enable smooth client-server interactions.
    • GitHub: https://github.com/3Tushka/mythology-application

    Водійське посвідчення

    Категорія B1

    Андрій Сергійович

    Junior Front-end Developer


    22 роки

    Активно шукає роботу

    повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість, проектна робота

    Характер роботи: стажування / практика, віддалена робота, в офісі/на місці

    Оновлено 4 години тому