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UX UI Designer

Beetroot Academy


6 місяців

08.2023 - 02.2024

I have expertise in Figma, including creating and editing frames, using plugins, working with vector shapes, masks, and effects, and developing interactive prototypes and micro-interactions. I am proficient in using auto-layouts, components, and variants, and managing UI kits.In UX, I am skilled in the fundamentals of design thinking and the UX design process, developing UX personas, empathy maps, and Customer Journey Maps (CJM). I excel in competitor analysis, creating references, mood boards, and conducting user research through in-depth interviews, surveys, and card sorting. I also have experience with information architecture, site structuring, and user flows.For UI, I am knowledgeable in composition, visual hierarchy, and typography. I design responsive layouts and mobile applications for both iOS and Android, utilizing color and fonts effectively. I am adept at creating and optimizing designs for websites and mobile apps, preparing layouts for developer handoff, and creating mockups for Behance and Dribbble.

Ключова інформація

I have expertise in Figma, including creating and editing frames, using plugins, working with vector shapes, masks, and effects, and developing interactive prototypes and micro-interactions. I am proficient in using auto-layouts, components, and variants, and managing UI kits.In UX, I am skilled in the fundamentals of design thinking and the UX design process, developing UX personas, empathy maps, and Customer Journey Maps (CJM). I excel in competitor analysis, creating references, mood boards, and conducting user research through in-depth interviews, surveys, and card sorting. I also have experience with information architecture, site structuring, and user flows.For UI, I am knowledgeable in composition, visual hierarchy, and typography. I design responsive layouts and mobile applications for both iOS and Android, utilizing color and fonts effectively. I am adept at creating and optimizing designs for websites and mobile apps, preparing layouts for developer handoff, and creating mockups for Behance and Dribbble.

Навчалась в 1 закладі

Державний навчальний заклад "Хмельницький центр професійно-технічної освіти сфери послуг"

Хмельницький, 2024

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Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові


UI/UX Designer


Готовий переїхати: Львів, Одеса, Дніпро, Запоріжжя, Харків

800 $

18 років

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повна зайнятість, проектна робота

Характер роботи: віддалена робота

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