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DevOps Engineer



11 місяців

06.2023 - до теперішнього часу

Young DevOps Engineer that works with production infrastructure. Had experience with On-Prem kubernetes, as administrator and developer too. Automation with Ansible, Jenkins CI, bash scripts. Like automation Fortify SAST with Jenkins using k8s resources, or building applications with Bash+Jenkins, and deploying them with bash scripts/Ansible. I have experience with deployment, upgrading, administrating and backing up production Jira. Also worked with LDAP (AD) & Keycloak SSO in pair. Administrating of PostgreSql cluster, deploying Spinnaker CD to k8s to work with different providers using SSO and Jenkins CI. I have versatile experience with different technologies, and working on different environments, dev/stage/prod. And I’m always looking for more experience, more interesting tasks, technologies and practices. I’m ready for looking of solutions, and their implementation. I’m here to work, I’m here to explore, I’m here to grow. So, let’s work together?

Ключова інформація

Kubernetes Jira Jenkins Bash Linux

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Інженерія Програмного Забезпечення

Київ, 2025

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Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові


DevOps Engineer


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