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Працювала в 4 компаніях   4 роки 8 місяців

Недержавні організації / NGO, АПК (Агропромисловий комплекс), Торгівля роздрібна / Retail, Юридичні послуги

Lawyer on IDP issues

Right to Protection

Недержавні організації / NGO

2 роки 1 місяць

05.2022 - до теперішнього часу

CF "Right to Protection" is one of the leaders of the human rights movement in Ukraine, and has strong positions in the field of protection of the rights of IDPs, refugees and stateless persons.

My responsibilities include:

- provision of primary legal assistance to internally displaced persons and persons injured as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation;

- provision of secondary legal assistance to internally displaced persons and persons injured as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation (drafting of claims, appeals, complaints, etc. with accompanying to the organization, institution of any form);

- holding events aimed at legal education regarding the rights and freedoms of IDPs and persons who suffered as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation;

- establishment of ties and cooperation with local units of self-government.

My achievements: this was my first and important experience in the humanitarian field. I started my work at the R2P office in Zhytomyr and Mykolaiv, which was aimed at the development and expansion of the team. The main goal was to provide free legal assistance to internally displaced persons and persons who suffered as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation.

Since February, I relocated in Mykolaiv and was the first lawyer in the office, provided legal assistance as a beneficiary, combining it with monitoring the needs of the region and the city. In the period from June to today, I work in difficult conditions in emergency mode in Kherson and the Kherson region with the aim of providing legal assistance to beneficiaries. There is experience in providing humanitarian aid.

During the entire period, I provided primary legal assistance to approximately 1,000 beneficiaries, and approximately 50 people received secondary legal assistance with support. There are many successful cases.

In particular, there are interesting cases that ended with a positive decision:

- exhumation in the de-occupied territories for the purpose of reburial and obtaining a death certificate;

- establishing the fact of deprivation of personal freedom as a result of armed aggression against Ukraine;

- obtaining the status of a person with a disability as a result of the war;

- documentation of damaged/destroyed property;

- receiving compensation for damaged/destroyed property;

- the procedure for establishing the status of "person without citizenship";

- establishing the status of "a child who suffered as a result of armed conflicts and hostilities";

- renewal of IDP payments, etc. cases related to the violation of the rights of individuals during martial law.

In R2P I improved one of the most important skills - organization. My management was located in Kyiv, so I planned my work schedule independently, also trained new lawyers and supervised employees during the performance of tasks.

Legal consultant / logistician

PE "Agrosvit"

АПК (Агропромисловий комплекс)

1 рік 8 місяців

10.2020 - 06.2022

Foreign economic activity, production of agricultural and forestry machinery, auxiliary activities in the field of growing agricultural crops, other types of processing and canning of fruits and vegetables.

My responsibilities included:

- conducting contractual work: lease of land, non-residential or warehouse premises, supply, provision of services, purchase and sale, joint activities, etc.;

- conduct of foreign economic activity;

- conducting work on certification and patenting;

- implementation of methodical management of legal work at the enterprise;

- representation of interests in court, as well as in state and non-state institutions;

- development and maintenance of contracts, as well as accompanying documents for export and import;

- drafting lawsuits, letters of various forms, appeals, complaints, claims, requests, answers, etc.;

- maintenance of constituent documents.

My achievements: I gained experience in conducting foreign economic activities. My job was to accompany the deals, from the commercial proposal and conclusion of the contract to the arrival of the cargo directly at the company's warehouses.

Countries with which we worked in the export/import mode: China, Italy.

Since the company worked in the field of vegetable breeding, I also gained experience in certification, keeping new breeding species in the unified state register and patenting these species, as well as the trademark through which the breeding samples were sold.

Legal advisor

Shopping Centre "Fabrika"

Торгівля роздрібна / Retail

3 місяці

05.2020 - 08.2020

Real estate management; advertising agencies; construction of residential and non-residential buildings; purchase and sale of real estate; hotels and similar places of residence; non-specialized wholesale trade.

My responsibilities included:

- conducting contractual work on rental and advertising;

- maintaining personnel documentation;

- development of legal documents;

- conducting reference and legal work on legislation;

- claims work;

- negotiation;

- work with insurance of employees, as well as company cars.

My achievements: March 2020, during the first wave of Covid-19, was a difficult period for all businesses.

The company in which I worked provided retail space, one of the first blows fell on us. One of the key points during that period was the need to quickly and flexibly develop agreements for new realities, which I successfully fulfilled. As a result of which the company did not lose any of the 80 counterparties I managed.


Bureau of free legal aid

Юридичні послуги

7 місяців

10.2019 - 05.2020

The budget organization is aimed at providing legal information, consultations and clarifications on legal issues, drafting statements, complaints, other legal documents, providing assistance in ensuring a person's access to secondary legal assistance and mediation, protection, representation of the interests of individuals in courts, other state bodies, local self-government bodies in front of other persons, drawing up documents of a procedural nature, etc.

My responsibilities included:

- provision of legal advice;

- preparation of legal and procedural documents;

- interaction with state bodies;

- representation of interests of individuals in courts;

- conducting webinars, as well as lectures in state, non-state institutions and educational institutions.

My Achievements: This was my first placement where I gained experience dealing with a variety of people, dealing with a variety of agreements/documents, and conducting group sessions in classrooms of up to 70 people.

Ключова інформація

Computer skills:

confident PC user (MS Office package); CRM; Liga Zakon; protocol; JURLIGA; ActiveLex, etc., I confidently use electronic services.

Навчалась в 1 закладі

Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого


Київ, 2021

Володіє мовами







Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Several courses


English language courses from 2019 to the present.

Completed many courses and trainings, including training on providing medical aid, tactical medicine, mine safety, completed 4-day HEAT training; anti-corruption training; PSEA; BSAFE; distance course "PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF CIVILIAN PERSONS"; IHL training.

In October, I received a certificate of passing the qualifying exam. Currently, I`m the trainee lawyer.

Also, all certificates are available on the cloud at the link:


Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості

First of all I would like to say about my self-organization at the workplace. The tasks in front of me are carried out quickly, given the degree of importance, with great care. I don't need to be reminded what to do and when to do it.

According to my previous experience, I consider myself a multitasker, as well as able to make decisions independently, able to analyze and calculate risks, tactical/strategic benefits.

Punctuality is the most important trait for me, I respect my time and other people's time.

Every working day, I read court practice and the Supreme Court's position. In my spare time, I am interested in historical and scientific literature.

Learning quickly. I was an elder during my studies at the university, I consider myself proactive and responsible.

I developed stress resistance and patience in myself at the first place of work, because I had experience in negotiating with completely different people. At work, as in other aspects of life, I am results-oriented and able to work in a team.


Lawer, manager, officer


50 000 грн.

29 років

повна зайнятість

Оновлено 3 місяці тому