Працювала в 1 компанії   1 рік 5 місяців


Junior QA Engineer



1 рік 4 місяці

08.2021 - 12.2022


Web/mobile testing (real devices); Back/grey box testing; Functional, installation, usability testing; Sanity, unit, smoke testing; API testing (Postman); Test Documentation Management (Decomposition, RTM, Test Plan, Bug reports, Test cases); HTML/CSS knowledge; JavaScript/SQL basic knowledge; Knowledge of SDLC, Waterfall, and Agile concepts (Scrum, Kanban); Trackers: Azure DevOps Server, Jira, Trello, Asana, ClickUp, Notion; Control System: Git (base knowledge); Tools: Confluence, Jenkins, Mongo DB, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, MySQL, Postman, Robo 3T, Chrome DevTools.


I have successfully implemented 4 projects in cooperation with international partners from different countries.

Two projects I worked on were related to data analytics; the other two were healthcare.

Analyzed customer requirements to outline the final product better; Performed completeness check of the implementation of the requirements;

Wrote test documentation with a precise description of their execution;

Meticulously scrutinized the application to enhance its performance and eradicate technical glitches, employing comprehensive testing strategies, including performance analysis and targeted activities to identify and resolve issues.

Used Azure DevOps Server(TFC) Jira Bug trackers to outline possible problems with the technical part.

Worked with Databases (PostgreSQL, MS SQL, MongoDB, MySQL) and wrote requests to the server(Postman).

Started learning autotests (Cypress, JS).


QA Engineer


21 рік

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