Працював в 2 компаніях   1 рік 11 місяців

Юридичні послуги, IT

Junior Fullstack Developer

Zakhist OA, Remote

Юридичні послуги

5 місяців

05.2023 - 10.2023

I worked as a junior Full-stack Developer to develop and support a CRM system for lawyers. My responsibilities included developing functionality for managing clients, calendar, documents, and other aspects. I used modern user interface technologies such as HTML, SCSS, Ant-Design, and TypeScript to create an efficient and user-friendly interface. I used React and Express frameworks to quickly develop and improve the functionality of web applications. I also worked with Agile and Kanban methodologies in Trello.

Intern Frontend Developer

Terns, Remoute


1 рік 4 місяці

08.2021 - 12.2022

On the project, I was engaged in the development and support of online stores and online marketplaces. Used HTML, SCSS, and TypeScript to create user interfaces. Used React and Next.js frameworks to quickly develop and improve the functionality of web applications. Worked with RESTful APIs to interact with the server and exchange data with the backend. Implemented responsive design to ensure compatibility with different devices and screen sizes. Worked with Agile and Scrum methodologies in Jira

Ключова інформація

TypeScript, JavaScript, Angular, React, NextJS, NestJs, Express ,

Html & Css

Redux, Redux-Tookit, NgRx, RxJs, Rtk-Query ,React-Query.

Навчався в 1 закладі

Львівський Універсетет Бізнесу та Права


Львів, 2021

Володіє мовами



Green Forest B1 2023



Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Epam at Front-End Online Program


Worked with Agile and Scrum methodologies in Jira.

Using HTML, SCSS, and TypeScript to create user interfaces. Using React and NextJs frameworks to quickly develop and improve the functionality of web applications. Work with RESTful APIs to interact with the server and exchange data with the backend.

Logos It Academy at Fronted Developer


Using HTML, SCSS, and TypeScript to create user interfaces.

Using React and NextJs frameworks to quickly develop and improve the functionality of web applications.


Frontend Developer


800 $

20 років

Активно шукає роботу

проектна робота, неповна зайнятість, повна зайнятість

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, стажування / практика

Оновлено 2 дні тому