Працювала в 1 компанії   11 місяців

IT - консалтинг / Послуги / Виробництво устаткування

QA manual engineer

TEAM Challenge

IT - консалтинг / Послуги / Виробництво устаткування

10 місяців

11.2023 - до теперішнього часу

I am presently engaged in collaborative pet projects, serving as a Quality Assurance specialist. My responsibilities include: 1) Reviewing documentation and layouts. 2)Crafting checklistsPerforming checks and generating bug reports. 3) Assembling checklists for backend testing using Swagger 4) Documenting and reporting backend bugs

Ключова інформація

My technical skills include: Deep understanding of SDLC, STLC, software development methodologies, and Agile frameworks (Scrum, Kanban), test development methods, types, and levels of testing, testing of web and mobile applications, client-server architecture;Practical experience in requirements analysis, test documentation creation, object decomposition, defect identification, testing using test design techniques, SQL query creation, exploratory testing, and API testing;Tools: Jira, TestRail, Testomat.io, MySQL, Chrome DevTools, HTML, CSS, XMind, Miro, XML, JSON, REST API, Postman, Swagger.

Навчалась в 1 закладі

Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського»

Видавнича справа та редагування

Київ, 2003

Володіє мовами



Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Hillel Комп'ютерна школа

Київ, 2024

During the course, I gained essential technical skills for a modern QA specialist. I mastered JavaScript basics, effectively worked with Git, and learned about different web services like REST, gRPC, GraphQL, and SOAP. I developed advanced API testing skills using Postman, including writing scripts in JavaScript.Additionally, I familiarized myself with Docker, traffic interception tools (Charles, Fiddler), and Jenkins configuration for setting up and running workflows and API tests. I also gained experience in load testing with JMeter and learned about non-relational databases.These skills will enhance my competitiveness and make me a sought-after professional.


Київ, 2023

Software Testing Engineer | Jira, TestRail, Test Cases, Bug Reports, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Testomat.io, MySQL, REST API, Postman |

Hillel Комп'ютерна школа

Київ, 2023

Acquired extensive knowledge of software testing theory:  * SDLS, STLS  * Software development methodologies and models * Agile frameworks: Scrum and Kanban  * Types and levels of testing  * Test design techniques  * Web and mobile app testing  * Basics of HTML and CSS  * Metrics  * Client-server architecture  * API testing • Conducted requirements analysis; • Created checklists and test cases; • Identified defects and created bug reports; • Created website using HTML and CSS.

Сертифікат цифрової грамотності від Дія. Цифрова освіта



QA manual engineer trainee


45 років

повна зайнятість

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