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Реклама та PR-послуги

Influence manager


Реклама та PR-послуги

4 роки 5 місяців

02.2020 - до теперішнього часу


  • Project management and communication with the team through Slack.
  • Coordination of work and exchange of ideas with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Organization of collaborative work and strategy discussions in Slack groups.


  • Using Hypetrain for parsing and searching for influencers in relevant segments.
  • Audience analysis and identification of potentially interesting partners for collaboration.


  • Searching for and contacting potential influencers through Hypeauditor.
  • Analyzing influencer audiences for their authenticity and relevance to brand.
  • Determining key metrics and influencer ratings.


  • Searching for and contacting potential influencers through Ninjaoutreach.
  • Monitoring and managing communications with influencers on the platform.


  • Maintaining a database of influencers, including their contact information, metrics, and other relevant data.
  • Data analysis and visualization for decision-making regarding partner selection and collaboration strategies.


  • Correspondence with influencers and other stakeholders through Gmail.
  • Organization and archiving of important emails for future reference.
  • Communication and negotiation with agencies.

Outreach on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 geos):

  • Actively engaging with influencers across different geographical tiers and platforms (Instagram, YouTube, TikTok) to advertise products and services.
  • Analyzing and selecting influencers from different geo-tier locations according to the brand strategy.

Chat GPT:

  • Using Chat GPT to improve workflow and search.


  • Checking and correcting grammar mistakes and stylistic inaccuracies in texts, including communication with influencers and content.
    For more details: tg @dprioritty or my number +380667836865


Influence manager


21 рік

повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість

Характер роботи: віддалена робота

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