Працював в 3 компаніях   11 років 10 місяців


Frontend developer

MD Finance


7 років 8 місяців

01.2017 - до теперішнього часу

  • Development of standalone modules and components for future use in projects;
  • Development of additional libraries for user tracking;
  • Deployment of projects using React+MobX+Next.js+TypeScript;
  • Deployment of the Storybook project for visualizing created components;
  • Development of a constructor for email campaigns;
  • Development of website templates for CMS WordPress;
  • Integration of vendor?provided tools into the project;
  • Creation of applications for internal use;
  • Porting projects from PrimeFaces to Next.js;
  • Responsive design for web and mobile devices;
  • Layout of email and SMS campaigns;
  • Support and updates for websites on CMS Joomla;
  • Support and updates for websites developed on PrimeFaces.

Frontend developer

Wargaming (Persha studia)


2 роки 2 місяці

08.2014 - 10.2016

  • Development of extensions for Chrome and Firefox browsers;
  • Development of landing pages for the website builder;
  • Development of JS libraries;
  • Enhancement of the promo website builder;
  • Review/Refactoring of landing pages provided by vendors;
  • Creation of a constructor for email campaigns;
  • Responsive design for web and mobile devices;? Layout of email campaigns.

WEB Technologies Specialist

Paradigm Group – a marketing agency


1 рік 9 місяців

05.2012 - 02.2014

  • Creation and maintenance of projects based on internal CMS, Bitrix, Joomla, WordPress;
  • Support and updates for the frontend part of clients' and company websites.

Ключова інформація

TypeScript, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, ECMAScript6, React, React, Hooks, MobX, Next.js, Express.js, jQuery, REST API, HTML, SCSS, CSS, BEM, npm, Yarn, Storybook, Postman, EJS, Handlebars.js, Webpack, Git, Figma, Jira, YouTrack, Node.js, Redux, Flux, PostgreSQL

Навчався в 1 закладі

Open International University «Ukraine»

Software Engineering, Computer Systems and Networks

Київ, 2018

Володіє мовами





Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

React+TS fwdays’23 Conference

Киев, 2023

AI Conference Kyiv 2021

Киев, 2021

International educational company 'Web Academy' Frontend Master

Киев, 2020

TypeScript, React, Next, Redux, MobX

Kyiv Educational Center 'Cursor' Web Programming

Киев, 2012


Art Studio 'Flamingo' Drawing, painting

Киев, 2011

Computer Academy 'IT STEP' Web design

Киев, 2005

Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash motion animation, AS2, 3DMax

Computer Academy 'IT STEP'

Киев, 2005

Computer network administrator


Frontend (React, Next.js) developer


41 рік

повна зайнятість

Характер роботи: віддалена робота

Оновлено 4 місяці тому