Працювала в 1 компанії   3 місяці


Front-end trainee

paradigma digital


2 місяці

09.2023 - 11.2023

I created the project using Next.js:I used create-next-app to generate a new project with the Next.js and React.js template.Setting up state management and styles: Using Zustand to manage the application's state:I installed and configured Zustand to conveniently handle the application's state. Using SCSS modules: I employed SCSS modules to style the components.Using Material-UI for UI components:I integrated Material-UI for quick development and styling of UI components. Working with the i18next library: I installed and configured the i18next library to enable multilingual support in the application.Development and integration of components:Creating React components: I created UI components and configured their interaction within the application. Integration with Zustand and state management:I utilized Zustand to manage the state of the components and the overall application. Testing and deployment:Testing components and functionality:I conducted testing of the application's components and functionalities. Deployment on a hosting platform:I deployed the application to a chosen hosting platform for public access.

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Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

it step academy

rivne, 2023

front-end developer


Front-end Developer


23 роки

проектна робота, неповна зайнятість, повна зайнятість

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, стажування / практика

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