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Python Developer



11 місяців

10.2023 - до теперішнього часу

As a Python Developer with a focus on results, I have applied my expertise in Python programming to a variety of projects. My experience includes web development using frameworks such as Django and FastAPI and working with libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib, and Numpy for data analysis and visualization.
In my current role, I have responsibilities that include:
- Developing and maintaining websites for new and existing projects, ensuring they meet the latest standards and provide a seamless user experience.
- Implementing new features that have significantly improved performance and user interaction.
- Conducting functional testing to identify and resolve issues throughout the development lifecycle.
- Creating APIs that serve as the backbone for client-server communication.
- Optimizing algorithms to boost system performance and efficiency.
- Managing third-party integrations to enhance application capabilities.
- Incorporating machine learning and data analytics into projects to leverage advanced technologies for innovative solutions.
I have also gained proficiency in version control with Git, and I am comfortable working with both SQL and NoSQL databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Redis, and MongoDB.
Looking ahead, I am eager to further develop my skills in Python development and machine learning. I aim to take on projects that challenge me to solve complex problems and contribute to the development of cutting-edge technologies. My goal is to continue growing as a developer and drive projects to success.

Python Developer



9 місяців

01.2023 - 10.2023

Python programmer with expertise in software development and data management, specializing in creating responsive and user-friendly interfaces. My proficiency includes performing CRUD operations using Django, CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap technologies.In backend development, I have contributed to building robust systems using Django and Django REST Framework. I have designed and implemented RESTful APIs with Swagger documentation, ensuring clarity and ease of use. Secure authentication using JWT adds an extra layer of protection to the applications I develop.Database design and management using various SQL databases are part of my skill set, and I have integrated Redis for caching and task queue purposes. To ensure code reliability, I have developed comprehensive unit tests using pytest.For containerization, I utilize Docker to package applications efficiently. Asynchronous task processing is implemented seamlessly with Celery, and I have leveraged FastAPI for building high-performance APIs. Payment processing functionality is seamlessly integrated using Stripe, and I have incorporated Telegram bots for efficient communication.On the frontend, I have contributed to development using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. Additionally, I have employed data visualization and manipulation tools such as Matplotlib, Pandas, and NumPy. Web scraping and automation techniques using Beautiful Soup, Scrapy Framework, and Selenium have been applied.For efficient collaboration and project management, I am well-versed in using tools like Trello and Jira. Overall, my diverse skill set and experience make me a valuable asset for creating comprehensive and reliable software solutions.Python programmer with expertise in software development and data management, specializing in creating responsive and user-friendly interfaces. My proficiency includes performing CRUD operations using Django, CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap technologies. In backend development, I have contributed to building robust systems using Django and Django REST Framework. I have designed and implemented RESTful APIs with Swagger documentation, ensuring clarity and ease of use. Secure authentication using JWT adds an extra layer of protection to the applications I develop. Database design and management using various SQL databases are part of my skill set, and I have integrated Redis for caching and task queue purposes. To ensure code reliability, I have developed comprehensive unit tests using pytest. For containerization, I utilize Docker to package applications efficiently. Asynchronous task processing is implemented seamlessly with Celery, and I have leveraged FastAPI for building high-performance APIs. Payment processing functionality is seamlessly integrated using Stripe, and I have incorporated Telegram bots for efficient communication. On the frontend, I have contributed to development using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. Additionally, I have employed data visualization and manipulation tools such as Matplotlib, Pandas, and NumPy. Web scraping and automation techniques using Beautiful Soup, Scrapy Framework, and Selenium have been applied. For efficient collaboration and project management, I am well-versed in using tools like Trello and Jira. Overall, my diverse skill set and experience make me a valuable asset for creating comprehensive and reliable software solutions.

Ключова інформація

  • Python
  • Django/Django REST Framework
  • FastAPI
  • Async
  • Data Analysis
  • Web Scraping
  • Machine Learning
  • Docker
  • Redis
  • Celery
  • Git/GitHub
  • Bootstrap
  • Tailwind CSS
  • JavaScript

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Python Developer


1 200 $

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