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Працював в 1 компанії 1 рік 1 місяць
Електроніка та електротехніка
ФОП Рубан В.С
Електроніка та електротехніка
1 рік
08.2021 - 08.2022
1) React:
Water Delivery Website (done quickly and for free, so not very high quality and lacks security.
Telegram bot's request and key visible directly in the browser, but the clients were satisfied and didn’twant to pay for an email client):
pitna-voda. net
Technologies used:
- Tailwind
- React
- Axios
- Telegram Bot API
2) Next 13:
dobriydoctor. com. ua
- Initially developed quickly in React within a few days.
- Switched to Next 13 for server
- side rendering upon request.
- Domain was tied to a constructor, so transferring to hosting took 5 days.
- Setting up a NodeJS application on the hosting.
- Constant "When will it be finished?" inquiries from clients and SEO adjustments.
Tech Stack:
- Next 13
- Tailwind
- Axios
- etc.
3) React Native + React:
Numerous educational projects done quickly, resulting in a mix of backend in Flask and a collection of Postman requests on GitHub (sometimes pieced together from old projects).GitHub - veg-it
4) React Native:
- Designed pages for a Bishkek tourist company (left because of poor design, rush, and no upfront payment).
apps. apple. com /ua/app/umrahajj/id6468799509
- GamerPal: A startup project, also involved in page design, left due to not understanding the concept (combining Fiverr, Discord, and Twitch) and language switching during calls (from English to French).5)
English:Understand well but cannot speak fluently.
Ключова інформація
- React + libs
- React Native + libs
- Node.js 13
- Tailwind / Bootstrap
- Flask
- Solid
- Axios / Fetch
Навчався в 1 закладі
Запорізький коледж радіоелектроніки Національного університету "Запорізька політехніка"
Прикладна математика
Запоріжжя, 2022
Курси, тренінги, сертифікати
Learn JavaScript (codecademy)
Learn HTML (codecademy)
Learn CSS (codecademy)
Learn Responsive Design (codecademy)
Learn Vue.js (codecademy)
Learn Bootstrap (codecademy)
Додаткова інформація
Інформація про навички
- Figma:
- Core Functions:
Working with layouts, ability to edit/adapt them for different screen formats. Auto-layout, grid, standard elements, text, understanding of size standards (Pinterest, personal interest and familiarity with standard margins. Partially remember the size grids of Tileview / Bootstrap) - Vector Graphics:
Proficiency in tools for working with vector graphics, tracing images into vector using Adobe Illustrator/neural networks and subsequent manual correction. - Plugins and Additional Functions:
Plugins for importing a site into a layout with subsequent correction, patterns, elements, image editing, export for quick work in Tilda/code (with subsequent editing). - Partial Understanding of Design Basics
- Core Functions:
- React + Libraries
- React Native (Expo) + Libraries:
- React Navigation
- Reanimated
- Maps
- LocalStorage; SQLite Firebase
- etc
- Next 13
- Tailwind / Bootstrap (configuring Tailwind Styles)
- Material UI (and other similar, enough to read the technical documentation)
- Python (Flask/Telegram Bot API)
- C++, C, C#, Ruby, Pascal (fundamentals)
- Postman
- AI (image, logo, design references, ability to build prompts for various styles + configuring SD)
- Axios; Fetch
- Async Await
Middle Front-End Developer
Готовий переїхати: Київ, Біла Церква, Фастів
проектна робота, неповна зайнятість, повна зайнятість
Характер роботи: віддалена робота
Оновлено 4 місяці тому