Працювала в 5 компаніях   3 роки 2 місяці

IT - консалтинг / Послуги / Виробництво устаткування, Медіа / ЗМІ

UX / UI designer


IT - консалтинг / Послуги / Виробництво устаткування

3 роки 1 місяць

05.2021 - до теперішнього часу

Dates: October 2022 – November 2022
I assembled a landing page on webflow with the addition of some elementsusing the code and connecting the js library. She also worked on adapting the project for different devices.

Dates: June 2022 – August 2022

Determined the target audience for the current project, conducted an analysis of competitors. I created Userflow, with the help of which I built the most convenient path for the user. Testing was carried out (clickable prototypes were provided) to identify errors or confirm hypotheses.Wireframes have been created, as well as adaptive versions for different devices.

Dates: March 2022 – April 2022

Worked in tandem with the developer, assembled the provided layout in elementor (Wordpress).

Dates: December 2021

Engaged in vector graphics, adapted vector graphics elements, was engaged in the creation of icons within the project.

Dates: September 2021– October 2021

Improved the provided layout (fixed compositional errors, finalized work with the grid, pixel perfect). Created adaptive versions of the layout for 1440, tablet and mobile version.

Dates: July 2021 – August 2021

Redesign of the website of Metal-Service company. To make the site more responsive to the user, increase conversion rate and presentability. Creation of adaptive versions for different types of devices

Dates: May 2021 – July 2021

My task in this project was: to analyze competitors, determine the targetaudience and find vulnerabilities, create a user flow, create a prototype, create a website design plus create an adaptive (responsive for phones and tablets).

UX / UI designer


IT - консалтинг / Послуги / Виробництво устаткування

1 місяць

09.2023 - 10.2023

Engaged in vector graphics, adapted vector graphics elements

UX / UI designer / Graphic designer


Медіа / ЗМІ

1 місяць

07.2023 - 08.2023

Developed content for Google Play (Screenshots, logo icon)

UX / UI designer


IT - консалтинг / Послуги / Виробництво устаткування

1 місяць

04.2023 - 05.2023

Creating a project design based on the client's wishes and selecting animations for the project.

UX / UI designer


IT - консалтинг / Послуги / Виробництво устаткування

2 місяці

12.2022 - 02.2023

Developed additional pages to promote the company's advertising and services. Transferred the product catalog from Tilda to Elementor. I also participated in finalizing the site and implementing new functionality.

Ключова інформація

Hard skills (Main)
Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, knowing of html / css (basic)

Hard skills (Support)
Miro, InVision, After Effect, ProtoPie, JitterNo-CodeWebflow, Elementor, Weblium, Tilda

Навчалась в 2 закладах

Dnipro University of Technology Dnipro University of Technology


Дніпро, 2023

Dnipro University of Technology Dnipro University of Technology


Дніпро, 2021

Володіє мовами





Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Додаткова інформація




UX/UI Designer


24 роки

Активно шукає роботу

проектна робота, неповна зайнятість, повна зайнятість

Характер роботи: віддалена робота, стажування / практика

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