Працював в 2 компаніях   1 рік 9 місяців


Junior frontend developer



1 рік 1 місяць

05.2023 - до теперішнього часу

1. Implementation of a secure user authorization system with using React.js and Axios.

2. Solving compatibility issues between different browser versions.

3. Implementation of dynamic user interfaces using React.js and Material UI.

4. Using CSS Modules and SCSS to create responsive and stylish components.

5. Using the i18next library for localization and multilingualization of interfaces.

6. Manage code versions through Git and coordinate tasks in Jira.

7. Transforming design layouts from Figma into live web pages with with all the details and styling in place.

Junior Frontend Developer



6 місяців

08.2022 - 02.2023

1. API integration to receive and display data using Axios.

2. Use Redux to manage the status of complex components and process data in real time.

3. Implementation of multilingual support with i18next, ensuring accessibility of the platform for users from different countries.

4. Using Tailwind to develop flexible and responsive styles that ensure the platform looks good on different devices.

Ключова інформація

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • React.js, Redux/Redux toolkit, Axios
  • Sass/Scss, Less
  • Responsive layoutCross-browser
  • Bootstrap, Tailwind
  • Mantine, Material UI
  • Vite, Gulp, Webpack
  • BEM methodology
  • npm/Yarn
  • The concept of SEO and SPA
  • Working with Ajax
  • Understanding of UI/UX design principles
  • Experience with Figma and Photoshop
  • Ability to work with GIT and Jira

Навчався в 1 закладі

Державний професійно-технічний навчальний заклад "Вінницьке міжрегіональне вище професійне училище"

Оператор з обробки інформації та програмного забезпечення

Вінниця, 2021

Володіє мовами



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові



Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Може проходити співбесіду на цій мові

Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

New it school

Vinnitsa, 2022

base knowledge 

  • Vue
  • JS
  • css
  • html

and any skills

Додаткова інформація


Ihor Yanchuk

Frontend Developer

Email: ihoryanchuk199@gmail.com

Websait: https://yanchuk.vinnytsia.ua/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ihor-yanchuk-248a64268/

GitHub: https://github.com/Vergos1

Phone: +38063684792

1. Professional experience


Junior frontend developer, 2022 - 2023

  • API integration to receive and display data using Axios.
  • Use Redux to manage the status of complex components and process data in real time.
  • Implementation of multilingual support with i18next, ensuring accessibility of the platform for users from different countries.
  • Using Tailwind to develop flexible and responsive styles that ensure the platform looks good on different devices.


Junior frontend developer, 2023 - present

  • Implementation of a secure user authorization system with using React.js and Axios.
  • Solving compatibility issues between different browser versions.
  • Implementation of dynamic user interfaces using React.js and Material UI.
  • Using CSS Modules and SCSS to create responsive and stylish components.
  • Using the i18next library for localization and multilingualization of interfaces.
  • Manage code versions through Git and coordinate tasks in Jira.
  • Transforming design layouts from Figma into live web pages with with all the details and styling in place.

2. Education

  • New IT School: 2021-2022, 4 month
  • VMVPU: 2019-2021

3. Skills

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • React.js, Redux/Redux toolkit, Axios
  • Responsive layout
  • Cross-browser
  • Bootstrap, Tailwind
  • BEM methodology
  • Sass/Scss, Less
  • Mantine, Material UI
  • Vite, Gulp, Webpack
  • npm/Yarn
  • The concept of SEO and SPA
  • Working with Ajax
  • Understanding of UI/UX design principles
  • Experience with Figma and Photoshop
  • Ability to work with GIT and Jira

I actively strive to improve my English language skills for professional growth and communication with international clients and colleagues. I regularly study the latest technologies in the field of front-end development, including modern libraries and frameworks, which allows me to create effective and innovative web interfaces. I am always open to learning new things and improving my skills in accordance with current web development trends.

More information and examples of my work can be found on my portfolio website(https://yanchuk.vinnytsia.ua/)

Ihor Olehovich

Junior Frontend Developer


20 років

неповна зайнятість, проектна робота, повна зайнятість

Характер роботи: гібридна, віддалена робота, стажування / практика, в офісі/на місці

Оновлено 1 місяць тому