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Junior UI/UX designer

Beetroot Academy


5 місяців

03.2023 - 08.2023

6-month UI/UX Designer

Ключова інформація

Outline stroke, pen pencil, the text tool.
Work with styles, masks.
Styles, auto layout, components, variants, brief, mind mapping, analysis of competitors, moodboard, user research, ux persona and empathy maps, customer journey map, user flow, wireframing and prototyping, typography, and others.

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Львівський державний університет фізичної культури імені Івана Боберського

Фітнес та рекреація

Львів, 2025

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Курси, тренінги, сертифікати

Beetroot Academy

Львів, 2023

I completed a 6-month UI/UX Design course, more details about my results and achievements in my resume.

Додаткова інформація


Hello! I am currently a student at Lviv State University of Physical Culture, majoring in Fitness and Recreation - 3rd year. I completed a UI/UX design course that lasted 6 months. I have no work experience, but thanks to the courses I learned: - Work in a team and be a Team Lead - Execute projects solo and with a team - Distribute responsibilities among project participants and take the initiative - Created many projects during the course, both with a team (sometimes under my mentorship) and in solo projects. Beetroot Academy: 04.2023 - 10.2023 Each topic we covered in the course was accompanied by a practical part with a group, our teacher chose two Team Leaders, and they chose a team of 8 people. We distributed tasks among our classmates depending on their complexity. We worked according to the Scrum methodology, divided the project into stages, shared them with the team, and held daily meetings to discuss the completed tasks, if necessary, held additional meetings and discussed problematic tasks. If necessary, we also engaged a mentor. We did not have any problems with our classmates, all participants were motivated and found a common language. At the end of the course, I completed a final project: A mobile application for learning foreign languages. I didn't have much time, but I managed to complete it even under stressful conditions. I really enjoyed all 6 months of the course, so I want to continue to develop in this direction and improve my skills, the main thing is to have the desire. I also know how to work with: - Selection. Vector. Outline Stroke - Pen & Pencil - The text tool. Work with styles - Masks. Effects. Styles - Auto layout, Components, Variants - Brief, Mind Mapping, Analysis of competitors, Moodboard, User research, UX persona and empathy maps, Customer journey map, User flow, Wireframing and Prototyping, Typography, and others.


Ui/ux designer


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